Tuesday, August 15, 2023

This 'N That From Dublin Ohio

 Most of my readers are familiar with the fact that we've taken in a new rescue pooch. CeeCee is a work in progress and as the days go by she seems to be adjusting to her new life. Regardless, I've been on the prowl to find a toy for her that would captivate her interests. It's been a slow, tedious process. I've visited any number of pet stores while she tags along hoping we'd find the perfect toy but with no such luck. I've plunked down large amounts of cash on silly dog toys for nothing. She'd take a sniff of the object the walk away disinterested.

And then out of the blue it happened. We've come across an item that gives her fun and joy. Three weeks ago I rolled a golf ball across living room rug and she chased after it. Then she moved it around with her nose for a few minutes. I left the little white ball where she last touched it and went on with my day. Later that evening she was snuggled up next to me in bed and all of a sudden jumped up and ran downstairs. After a few minutes she returned to the bed with the ball in her mouth. Since then she has accumulated a half dozen balls and placed them in her downstairs bed. It's like her personal cache' of Easter eggs. Who knew a golf ball would bring so much joy to our little friend? She's so deft and finding these items around the house I'm considering taking her with me when I play my next eighteen holes.

I have a question for you. Who is one of the most famous if not the most famous citizen from Hawaii? I would say it's Barack Obama. So, I ask, why is it he hasn't offered one word about the fire victims in his home state? Considering he has a net worth of around $100 million dollars one would think he would want the world to know he's the greatest humanitarian who ever lived by ramrodding a 'Save My State' fund. Yet, not a peep out of the guy.

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