Monday, December 15, 2008

Bernard Madoff

Wall Street trader and ponzi scheme bad boy, Bernard Madoff seemingly has extorted $50 billion dollars from some very wealthy influential and celebrity clients. It appears about $15 billion has gone to money heaven, according to various news sources. One thing that is difficult to find is the revelation from the MSM that Madoff was a huge donor to the Democrat Senatorial Committee to the tune of $100,00. I only came across it by reading the Radio Equalizer web site. Some of his favorite politicians were Chuck Schumer, Senator (D-NY), Hillary Clinton, Senator (D-NY), Frank Lautenburg Senator (D-NJ). Charles Rangel Representative (D-NY) and Ed Markey Representative (D-Massachusetts). Strange in that I always thought the Wall Street boys were Republicans or so we're led to believe. Thank God, I'm a registered Independent so I don't have to take sides.This is a bad one and could very well have world wide ramifications. Supposedly, Madoff told his sons what he had done and they turned Daddy into the proper authorities. Sad situation, though.

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