Tuesday, December 9, 2008


Every Christmas season, somewhere between Thanksgiving and the big day I give thought to the "holiday season". I'm one of those guys who always says, "Merry Christmas" just because it's the season of Christ. If you want to say, Happy Kwanza that's okay with me or "Happy Holidays is alright, too. One of our parish priests used to get bent out of shape when scholars or whomever would say, "it doesn't matter what religion you practice. They're all the same". Bear with me on this and read all the way through; Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Juchi, Spiritism, Judaism, Baha'i, Jainism, Shinto, Coa Dai, Zoroastrianism, Tenrikyo, Unitarian-Universalism, Rastafarianism, Taoism, Scientology.
Only one of these religions was begun by a man who allowed himself to be crucified so that mankind could have eternal salvation. And His story originates with Christmas.

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