Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Take Your Pick Tuesday

There is so much going on this morning it's going to require you to ferret out whatever strikes your fancy. It's a smorgasbord out there: Governor Blagojevich arrested in Illinois for allegedly selling O's office for cash and jobs. Someone wants candidate #5 named. Hmmm! Yesterday, Blagojevich appeared with Jesse Jackson, Jr. at a job protest along with JJ, Sr. Hmmm! It's not fair for me to speculate on this. Lord knows there are four other potential crooks on the appointment list.
Does Rod Blagojevich look like a gelfling, or what?
Quiz time: What city in the US is the most corrupt? Chicago, Newark, Detroit, New Orleans, Washington DC. Add your own. Don't hear about many west of the Mississippi.(St. Louis doesn't count). It might be the further west you go the more weird they get; San Fran, LA, Seattle, Portland. Is Salt Lake City strange or just stuck in the 19th century?
"Call in sick Wednesday". This is a policy for Gays. Every Gay in the country should call in sick every Wednesday to protest Proposition 8;
The naming of a "car czar", according to Nancy Pelosi. Headlines scream, "Nationalization".
Al Gore called in to meet with the President-elect.
Chris Dodd telling the CEO of General Motors he should quit his job. "Hey, Chris, when are you going to release your files on Country Mark"?
Barney Frank on the mortagage crisis----Yeeeooow and icky pooh! I wonder whatever happened to Gary Studds? Could it be that he's running a male prostitution ring out of his own apartment instead Barney's?
In case you forgot, Nancy Pelosi is still third in line to be President of the United States. Her big thing on the bailout is everyone "gets a haircut". Huh?
P.S. Just read a transcript from Patti Blagojevich, wife of the guv, regarding today's revelations. Oy vay! She's got some splainin' to do. Seems her mouth has been practicing the F word as much as hubby. Also mentions some jobs she wants for $$$$$$$$. This is going to be a ton of fun.
Jeremiah Wright, Rev. Michael Pflager, William Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn, Tony Rezko and now, Gov. Rod Blagojevich. And these characters are Windy City guys, only. What do we hear from the President-elect: "I didn't know". C'mon Barry, you nominated the governor twice, are a pal of his and there's nothing in his background to raise a red flag? Barack says he hasn't talked to Rod since before the election. David Axelrod, BHO advisor, says they spoke last week. Axelrod needs to get his story straight or he'll be sizing cement boots. It's Chicago, remember? The funniest will be when the dems and MSM start to circle the wagons.
Can't you just imagine what's going to happen after January 20. The nifty thing is that Republicans haven't opened their mouths; don't have to. Ringling Bros. is back in business.

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