Monday, February 9, 2009

New White House Website

The Prez is in Elkhart, Indiana today promoting his spending plan. I've been to Mishawaka and Elkhart many, many times. My former job took me there. The biggest industries in the area, aside from Notre Dame football, deal with RV's. It's actually the RV capital of the world. Unemployment has risen, in the last year, from 6% to 15%. That's a lot. With all the hot air coming out of Washington; carbon dioxide, gas emissions, cost of gas, let's all go green and electrical, etc. no wonder the RV industry is bad news. With all the Baby Boomer's reaching seasoned citizenship a guy'd think the recreational industry would be "Baby Booming". I listened to some the the "Great Ones" remarks and people were cheering wildly; probably union guys. Obama made a big pitch to all Indianans when he said, "not one earmark went into this bill. And I thought he wasn't a liar. Unless he, himself, forgot that $4.3 billion of the bill goes to "neighborhood stabilization projects. i.e. ACORN.
Toward the end of O's speech a lady asked of Mr. Wonderful, "how will we know when the 'stimulus' money gets to Elkhart?" Listen to the answer. "We have set up a new website. You will be able to e-mail the White House and tell us if you don't see new building of high schools or whatever that was promised to you," said Obama. Yeah, right! People with nothing else to do(bloggers, I guess) who have nothing to do would whistle blow on the government to get something done in their own community. And you thought you didn't have any say with this administration.

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