Friday, June 29, 2012

Home Again

Ol' MJ was in Iowa for two days. It was steaming hot. I even passed on a round of golf. The Mazda pulled out of the lake cabin at 9am on Wednesday morning and the temperature guage read 62 degrees, When I pulled into the Boone, Iowa drive way the same guage clunked over triple digits at 103. That's when I saw a resident under the shade of a large tree a couple of houses down and did what I've wanted to for ages. I approached him, still in my car, and yelled out, "hot enough for ya'"? It was great. You see, Iowans have two pat phrases for their two seasons. You just read the first and the second is, "cold enough for ya'"? Pardon me, I almost forgot the third one;
How 'bout them Hawks?

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