Saturday, June 23, 2012

How Crass

Can you believe a President of the United States, or even a candidate for dog catcher, would think that is a good idea?
“Hey young couples just starting out, instead of creating a nest egg, saving for a down-payment for a house or simply paying for your wedding and reception, give your money to the President!” It’s the audacity of self-importance.
This tactlessness got me thinking – what other sorts of “asks” could the Obama 2012 team come up with?
“Do you have a terminal disease? That’s a tragedy, just as President Obama not winning a second term would be a tragedy. So as you get your affairs in order don’t forget to add the campaign to your last will and testament. Your family can have your furniture; we just want your cash. If you can survive long enough to sell the furniture, that’d be peachy. Cash is king, you know.
The campaign probably will find a more subtle way to make that ask. But a slogan is needed for this latest shamelessness:
“Help me fight corporate greed by giving me your kid’s birthday money!”
“Honeymoons are for suckers!”
“Since we’re all in the same boat, why not make it the Titanic?”
“President Obama already screwed your kid’s future, so why not let him screw their present too?”
Townhall Magazine

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