Monday, July 30, 2012

Chicago Values

You'll recall Mayor Rahm Emanuel stating last week that Chickl-fil-A doesn't represent Chicago values. Of course, he's correct. The last two governor's are in jail for fraudulent indiscretions involving bribery among other things. It's called the Chicago Way; corrupt government that long preceded the days of Al Capone. But more than that, Chicago is the murder capital of the world. Think not?
You would be wrong. Take a look at the included paragraph explaining the numbers and continue on with the entire article.

Since 2001, more than 5,000 people have been killed by gunfire in the streets of Chicago, a staggering number that is more than double the number of American soldiers who have been killed fighting in Afghanistan during the same period. The majority of the violence has been attributed to gang rivalries that have escalated into open warfare, and as in any war innocent civilians have often borne a disproportionate share of the suffering.

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