Friday, July 20, 2012

Liberals In Mourning

Darn! After Brian Ross did his investigative reporting in the time it takes to look up a name in a phone book and declare 'James Holmes' a possible TEA Party member ABC News had to retract. The Holmes in question is a 52 year old man; a Hispanic conservative. Double darn.
According to Mark Steyn there are 56 'James Holmes' in the Denver area. And it's such an unusual name, too. Can't you understand the confusion. I did see some twitters that the Lefties are blaming Rush Limbaugh because he encouraged people to attend the Batman film. Did you know the main writers are, GASP, right wingers?
Obama was interviewed today and promised to get to the bottom of the shootings. Too bad he can't get immediate action on 'Fast and Furious' or the Islamic terrorist who murdered fifteen of our finest at Ft. Hood. You remember. It was that massacre that prompted our leader to say, "Let's not jump to conclusions". How long ago was it that event took place? Not only are we not jumping to conclusions we're not taking action.

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