Sunday, October 20, 2013

12 Reasons Republicans Should nominate Urban Meyer/Nick Saban 2016

From Hugh Hewitt:

1.  Message Discipline
2.  They can recruit
3. They can raise money
4. Head coaches get three years to win.
5. Ohio and Florida are already part of Urban Nation.
6. Both can talk to reporters for hours and say nothing.
7. The prospect of Urban Meyer staring at George Stephanopoulos after a birth control question.
8. The prospect of Nick Saban staring at Cory Booker during the VP debate.
9. Urban Meyer saying to Hillary “I would have called Greg Hicks back.  I coach my guys. I don’t run from them.”
10. Tailgating on debate days.
11. Bold new offense.
112. The Ivy League dominated Manhattan-Beltway media elite v. these two

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