Thursday, October 24, 2013

"You Light Up My Life"

If you watch television even rarely you're bound to see a commercial featuring Debbie Boone. She's the daughter of singer Pat Boone. The commercial touts something called Lifestyle Lift. It's magic according to Ms. Boone. Your wrinkles will disappear as will those more than ugly bags of almost gooey fat that droops from your chin and eyes.
A few months ago I researched Lifestyle Lift. Get this: for a mere $15,000 you, too, can recapture your real you from twenty or thirty years ago. This procedure is not your normal Nancy Pelosi facelift, either. In this one your eyes are not permanently opened. The recipient is made to look 'naturally' young.
Know what? My wife is 65 year old and she's darned good looking. If she ever thought about any kind of female enhancement I'd----well, I wouldn't do anything because this thought has never entered her mind or mine. She has normal wrinkles but they're sexy wrinkles. People are made to get old and they are made to look old. I received a very nice compliment a few months ago. I told a lady at Walgreen's my real age and she said, "Wow, I thought you were around 55". I liked that and I also saved $15,000 by not going to Lifestyle Lift.
With that kind of money I can buy a whole lot of golf balls.

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