Wednesday, October 23, 2013

What If This Is What Obama Wanted All Along

Sickness of the 24 hour news cycle is overwhelming me. And I'm talking about ObamaCare and it's supposed failure. Should Sebelius be fired? What did Obama know and when did he know it? Good Lord, it's Nixonian all over again. Ted Cruz caught hell because he called for a one year delay in the healthcare implementation. Forty minutes ago it was announced by the White House that there will be a six week delay. As far as I can tell this may be unconstitutional. It seems Obama and his minions can change things willy nilly whenever they desire without repurcussion. Joe Manchin(D-WV) was the first to call for a one year delay yesterday. There's now some unrest in the enemy camp.
I would like to pose a question. Is it possible that this failure to launch is exactly what Obama planned all along? It was announced yesterday that 300,000 citizens from Florida would lose their Blue Cross/Blue Shield insurance. The private insurers are going bust. Now, take into consideration the low info voter. Most of them think health care is free, some don't know anything about it and others think the law has been repealed. Could it be that Obama is counting on these know-nothings to be the impetus for a single payer system; complete control of health care by the government? It's gotten to the point that Obama, John Conyers, Bernie Sanders and a host of others socialists are openly calling for single payer. If they don't receive negative feed back then it's full steam ahead to implement the takeover of our entire health system. All Obama has to do is wait out the 2014 elections for twelve more months and continue his perpetual campaigning. It's no big secret he desires to re-take the House and garner more Dem votes in the Senate. Then he'd have free sailing to what he's wanted all along and that's to institute his dictatorial policies. I've always maintained he's unqualified for the job as president but that doesn't mean he's stupid. Lenin wasn't stupid. Neither was Chairman Mao. Both were a little freaky and bloodthirsty but stupid, well, that's up for debate.
I'm throwing this premise out for discussion. I may be wrong and I may be right but I do know one thing. I wouldn't trust the people in DC to carry out the garbage.

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