Monday, November 11, 2013

Meaningless Platitudes

My wife put the newspaper in front of me this morning. She usually doesn't do that because I rarely read it. Why look at news from three days ago when I already know the content by looking at the computer. I'll thumb through the sports section, mostly out of a habit that started when I was in my pre-teens. Sometimes I'll read the 'letters to the editor' and then ask myself why? I submit letters every now and then but rarely  have them accepted. I'll read other letters and wonder, "this is inane". He must know the head honcho.
Today is November 11, Veterans' Day. It you don't know, it's the day we honor all serviceman, past and present, for defending our nation. The editor of the paper wrote a piece on veterans. They do it every year. Know what? I'm beginning to think these words are meaningless. Think about it. On December 25 we'll all wake up and read the paper. There'll be a picture of a baby in a manger, with Mary and Joseph looking lovingly at the child. Above the picture will be some words like, "Peace on earth, goodwill to men ".
Sometime in the spring there will be another picture on the editorial page reading, "He is Risen". These all are meaningless, obligatory platitudes because for the other 362 days we'll read about war and death, homosexual rights, how the government should rule our lives and what we should do to acquiesce to its rules.
If this bothers me slightly, which it does, I have the solution. I need to stop reading the newspaper.

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