Sunday, December 31, 2017

Good-Bye To 2017

It is with great pleasure I'm happy to see 2017 fall into the dust bin of history. In the first place I pro even numbered years. It was a habit begun when I was a kid. It might be because I was born in 1946. But, then again, that means I was conceived in 1945 so there goes that theory.

There were personal positives that came out of '17. I've given up watching and listening to politics on the television and radio. I find I sleep better---a good deal better. Besides, having to hearing "tax cuts for the rich" every ten seconds is beyond what God intended for humans. All ten of my grandchildren are thriving and my children have wonderful jobs. Did I tell you my 401K is off  the charts? Whose isn't?

I am beginning today what I did three years ago, or was it four? For 90  days it'll be a sugar free, carb free vacation. I'll drop 25 to 30 pounds and I be able put my brassieres in the recycle bin, hopefully.

Anyway, I came across a cartoon from one of my humorous 'go to' sites, Diogenes Middle Finger, that succinctly puts in perspective 2017.

Have a wonderful 2018. Don't go out this evening. There's a reason it's called amateur night.

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