Thursday, December 21, 2017

Time To Celebrate

Did you even consider today is the Winter Solstice? Which means, my dear friends, the days start showing more sunlight. Hooray!

I had to make a quick trip to Walmart this morning. While walking the personal grooming aisle I noticed a packet of Do Rags. Call me out of touch but what is their purpose? I see them on Blacks in The Hood on television shows and also on athletes, primarily football players. Personally, I'd think they'd want the Afro large and puffy if for no other reason that to cut down on concussions.

We're now a one car family per The Queen's request. I didn't make a huge deal out of it. In three months she'll tire of hauling me around town and give in to my whining. Besides, my Ford Taurus X was apiece of junk.

Our 48th wedding anniversary is coming up in six days. If you recall from '16 I did it up big and took her to a Columbus Blue Jackets hockey game. It'll be interesting if I can come up with an idea to top that blockbuster of an evening out.

I was calculating my tax increase for '18. Looks like we'll be taking a cruise before my grandchildren can get their hands on the moolah.

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