Saturday, May 25, 2019

Things #NeverTrump Republicans Have To Believe

1) Abortion on demand is a good thing;
2) Infanticide is a good thing;
3) Letting Iran get a nuclear bomb is a good thing;
4) Higher tax rates are a good thing;
5) More regulation on businesses, big and small, is a good thing;
6) Restricting gas, oil and coal exploration and extraction is a good thing;
7) Open borders is a good thing;
8) China stealing our intellectual property is a good thing;
9) Turning over a significant amount of our uranium supply to Russia is a good thing;
10) Turning our back on Israel is a good thing;
11) Socialization of our health care is a good thing;
12) Requiring the religious protections of the First Amendment is a good thing;
13) Repealing the speech protections of the First Amendment is a good thing; and
14) Repealing the assembly protections of the First Amendment.
My friend asks:
So, Bill Kristol, have I left anything out?

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