Thursday, May 30, 2019

Watch For Foul Balls

A four year old girl was hit somewhere in the head off the bat of Cubs player Albert Almoro last night. Almoro was totally distraught as were all the players.

Already pundits are demanding something be done about these errant fouls. It's sort of like gun control. Nothing will happen and nothing will be done.

Want to know why? It's because people get clipped all the time. They're smashed looking at their cell and smart phones. They think it's cool to be on the Kiss Cam. Others are downing a beer and others still are jabbering with friends while the action is taking place.

There's talk about extending the netting in baseball. Bad idea for me. I detest sitting behind a net. Be like me when you go to a game watch the game. The only time you aren't is when you hit the head.

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