Thursday, December 5, 2019

She Says She's A Catholic

Today a reporter asked Nancy P. if she hated Trump and she became incensed at the question. Nance has a bad habit of falling back on her religion which is silly. In regard to the Trump question she told us in adamant words that she was raised in a Catholic family and hate is not in her vocabulary or words to that effect.

I know a slug of people, family members even, who use the 'I am a Catholic' slogan when confronted about an inconvenience. It's phony.

Pelosi can't use the Catholic faith as an excuse when she condones the hundreds of thousands of aborted babies.

Also, as I recall three other people of infamy were also raised Catholic; Stalin, Mussolini and Hitler.

P.S. I happen to be a practicing Roman Catholic. I vote first on a person who doesn't think those in the womb should die. All other issues are silly, well, maybe Mayor Pete's lifestyle.

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