Sunday, December 8, 2019

This Blog Is A Place To Vent

I've cut down on my political opinion nonsense in this blog. Even so, there comes a time when I have to get things off my chest. I don't do it in front of The Queen. I've gotten into the habit of not talking politics to the general public. People have enough on their plate so if you desire stop reading.

I am so angry. You've heard the phrase, 'I love my country but I don't trust my government'. Today, I've been repeating this for an hour as I walked Charlie in the park.

More information is coming out about the murderer(s) at the Pensacola Air Base. As the days go on we'll find out more. As of this morning according to the UK Daily Mail a number of Saudi's are unaccounted for and have dispersed themselves around the country.

Eighteen plus years ago we were attacked by 20 Saudi's in the worst attack on America in its history. One of them was captured. The others died in the plane conflagration. There was an attack on Ft. Hood by a Muslim. This week there was another attack by a Muslim(s) from Saudi Arabia.

As I found out yesterday these military facilities are 'Gun Free Zones; for our military. How stupid is that? We might as well place signs at all entry points stating, "Kill Us'.

I'm going to pen letters to my congressman, Troy Balderson and senators, Sherrod Brown and Rob Portman from Ohio. The result will be nothing. Why can't we have one politician the likes of Jimmy Stewart in the film, 'Mr. Smith Goes To Washington' who is so strong in his beliefs he passes out on the floor of the House from exhaustion? It's because politicians don't care.

No, they'e more concerned with impeaching a president so they can retain or regain power.

What the Hell is going on in this country? Whatever it is it isn't good.

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