Saturday, November 27, 2010

Another Surprise!!

Shock and bewilderment overcame me this morning as I looked at the headlines on The DrudgeReport. I had to scroll down the article before realizing the perpetrator of an attempted bombing at a Christmas tree lighting ceremony in Portland, Oregon is Mohamed Osman Mohamud AKA, a Muslim terrorist. Why is it I never see Caucasian Roman Catholics, aged 60 and above trying to blow up, kill and/or maim? Oh yeah, there was that one Timothy McVeigh guy. One nutjob vs. a zillion of the other kind(jihadists) dating back to the time of Saladan. McVeigh almost evened the score. I'll enjoy reading the follow ups from the Council on Islamic Relations(CAIR) on how the scumbucket kid from Oregon is being mistreated.
It's the beginning of Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Jihad and Fatwah season! Joy to the world, everyone.

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