Monday, November 1, 2010

A Good Dream

The first day of each new month is my allowance day. As my car approached the automated teller a thought crossed my mind. What if my grandson, ten years from now, when he's sixteen asked: "Grandpa, in history class today we were talking about politics and politicians. Our teacher said that a few years ago there were people called 'Progressives' or 'Liberals'. I responded, "Yes Oscar, there were but like the dinosaur they are all gone from this earth. You see, O, they tried to take every one's money, destroy your life and the life of your family. One of the big reasons for this is they didn't think your Dad and Mom were very smart so they thought they could make communists out of all of us. You don't have to worry, though.
All the liberals are gone, never to return".
Nice dream, huh?
Once again weaselzippers supplies the photo

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