Sunday, November 28, 2010


Do yourself a favor and have some early bed time reading provided by Drudge. Pfc. Bradley Manning is the clown who has forwarded thousands of cablegrams to Wikileaks founder Julian Assange. The bulk of the leaks from the White House detail the handling of world affairs and assessments of world leaders. Drudge received his info from (gag)The New York Times so you know it has to be on the up and up. Sadly, many informants will be exposed and likely assassinated.
My quick conclusion from reading the Times four page expose': World leaders are morons, dirt bags and embarrassing be they in Washington or Timbuktu. Only by birth and dumb luck are we saddled with such dastardly, evil people. Good gosh, one would think they were the offspring of Queen Victoria and you know how that turned out.

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