Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Kentucky And Louisville Fans Fight At Dialysis Clinic

I've thought about this more times than I should. Sports, from a marble tournament to the NCAA Final Four, is the most important thing to happen to America and Americans. It's more important than missiles being aimed at the US from Mexico; an incurable disease rampaging the country with no known cure would go unnoticeable while the Super Bowl was taking place. If Obama went on television and announced that everyone in this country under the age of ten and over the age of sixty would be executed it would draw a yawn from the public 'IF' that announcement took place during the World Series. I've said this a hundred times and even put it on this blog two years ago. If an airplane went down in flames at the Columbus International airport on a Thursday evening during the football season and all two hundred passengers and crew were killed the lead story on the next day's news show would be: who will start at quarterback for the Buckeyes on Saturday. No lie! And you can transfer this same scenario to Lincoln, Neb., Norman, Okla., and any other big time football program in America.
To illustrate I present you this situation concerning two goobers from the state that sits to our southern border, Kentucky. They take basketball seriously down there. Other than basketball, methamphetamines, horses and Jack Daniels there isn't much going on in the Bluegrass state. The yokels in question got into a fight while awaiting the use of a dialysis machine. One of them was a UK fan and the other a Louisville basketball supporter. They play each other in the semi-finals of the NCAA basketball tournament this week-end. Figure this out. These two birds have poison in their urine and have to have needles inserted somewhere in their bodies on a what, twice weekly basis, and they're flipping each other the bird and swearing on their mother's graves about a basketball game all the while preparing for a fist fight.
And you if you don't think sports rules in this country you need to wise up.
I have only one thing to add to this posting: "GO HAWKEYES! Or suck grapes".

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