Monday, March 31, 2014

The Comunist States Of America

Read the following. The article is long but it's more than accurate.

In 1963, U.S. Rep. A.S. Herlong Jr., D-Fla., read into the Congressional Record a list of "Current Communist Goals" as enumerated by Dr. Cleon Skousen in "The Naked Communist," penned in 1958. I encourage you to read the whole list, but for now let's focus on those goals that most closely align with the seditious agenda of America's "progressive" movement. It's actually most of them. Though Herlong was a Democrat, the list reads like today's Democratic Party Platform.
How far has fallen the party of the jackass:
  • Develop the illusion that total disarmament [by] the United States would be a demonstration of moral strength.
  • Permit free trade between all nations regardless of Communist [or, today, Islamic] affiliation and regardless of whether or not items could be used for war.
  • Provide American aid to all nations regardless of Communist [or Islamic] domination.
  • Grant recognition of Red China. Admission of Red China to the U.N.
  • Promote the U.N. as the only hope for mankind. If its charter is rewritten, demand that it be set up as a one-world government with its own independent armed forces.
  • Resist any attempt to outlaw the Communist Party.
  • Do away with all loyalty oaths.
  • Capture one or both of the political parties in the United States.
  • Use technical decisions of the courts to weaken basic American institutions by claiming their activities violate civil rights.
  • Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers' associations. Put the party line in textbooks.
  • Infiltrate the press. Get control of book-review assignments, editorial writing, policymaking positions.
  • Gain control of key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures.
  • Continue discrediting American culture by degrading all forms of artistic expression. (An American Communist cell was told to "eliminate all good sculpture from parks and buildings, substitute shapeless, awkward and meaningless forms.")
  • Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them "censorship" and a violation of free speech and free press.
  • Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV.
  • Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural, healthy."
  • Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with "social" religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity which does not need a "religious crutch."
  • Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools on the ground that it violates the principal of "separation of church and state."
  • Discredit the American Constitution by calling it inadequate, old-fashioned, out of step with modern needs, a hindrance to cooperation between nations on a worldwide basis.
  • Discredit the American Founding Fathers. Present them as selfish aristocrats who had no concern for the "common man."
  • Belittle all forms of American culture and discourage the teaching of American history on the ground that it was only a minor part of the "big picture."
  • Support any socialist movement to give centralized control over any part of the culture - education, social agencies, welfare programs, mental health clinics, etc.
  • Infiltrate and gain control of more unions.
  • Infiltrate and gain control of big business.
  • Transfer some of the powers of arrest from the police to social agencies. Treat all behavioral problems as psychiatric disorders which no one but psychiatrists can understand [or treat].
  • Dominate the psychiatric profession and use mental health laws as a means of gaining coercive control over those who oppose Communist goals.
  • Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce. Emphasize the need to raise children away from the negative influence of parents. Attribute prejudices, mental blocks and retarding of children to suppressive influence of parents.
  • Create the impression that violence and insurrection are legitimate aspects of the American tradition; that students and special-interest groups should rise up and use ["]united force["] to solve economic, political or social problems.
  • Internationalize the Panama Canal.
  • Repeal the Connally reservation so the United States cannot prevent the World Court from seizing jurisdiction [over domestic problems. Give the World Court jurisdiction] over nations and individuals alike.
If achieving these specific communist goals was the final "progressive" step toward the larger goal of securing communist governance in America, then, tragically, "progressives" have realized that larger goal.
Look around. We are no longer the United States of America. We have become The Communist States of America.

We Should Feel Sad For The Little Guy

NEW YORK, NY - MARCH 04:  Ronan Farrow attends the "92nd Street Y Presents: An Evening With Chelsea Handler And Ronan Farrow" at 92nd Street Y on March 4, 2014 in New York City.  (Photo by Jamie McCarthy/Getty Images) RK

I was being cruel a few weeks ago when writing about Ronan Farrow. He's the son of actress, Mia Farrow and the son of either Woody Allen or Frank Sinatra. Even Ronan doesn't know. I guess New York doesn't provide DNA testing but that's another story. "Farrow the Young" graduated from college at age 15 and then went on to Oxford and Yale. In addition, he is a Rhoades Scholar so he has all that going for him.
He was a new hire on MSNBC six weeks ago and the big shots at that network were obviously looking for cuteness, brains, savvy and the ability to connect with the 29-49 demographic. After his third show he was awarded the Walter Cronkite Award for Excellence in Journalism. This is akin to Jesus and the loaves and fishes miracle. It also means he was nominated before his own show started: I thought you'd like to look at previous winners in the last decade. This is heady company indeed.

2013 Bob Schieffer, moderator, "Face the Nation"
2012 Bob Costas, host, “Football Night in America”
2011 Christiane Amanpour, anchor, “This Week with Christiane Amanpour”
2010 Diane Sawyer, anchor, “World News with Diane Sawyer”
2009 Brian Williams, anchor and managing editor, "NBC Nightly News"
2008 Robert MacNeil and Jim Lehrer, longtime PBS news anchors of “The MacNeil/Lehrer Report”
2007 Jane Pauley, former anchor of NBC’s “Today Show” and founding co-host of “Dateline NBC”
2006 Tom Brokaw, former anchor, “NBC Nightly News”
2005 Dave Barry, Pulitzer Prize-winning humor columnist of The Miami Herald
2004 Charles Osgood, host of “The Osgood Files” and “CBS News Sunday Morning”
2003 Andy Rooney, “60 Minutes” correspondent
2002 Al Michaels, sportscaster, ABC Sports

The sad news for Ronan and MSNBC;  the latest ratings for his show are in. He ranks 708th averaging slightly over 300,000 daily viewers. Number 707 is a re-run of a show called "Baggage" on the Game Show Network. It runs at midnight. An 8 AM re-run of "The Golden Girls" also edged him out. No, they crushed him by coming in at No. 700. This is not good news for the Lean Forward Network. Now, take a gander at the list of previous winners. These folks are major leaguers with actual accomplishments to their names. What are the chances they'll pull a John Kerry and throw their medals over the fence in protest? This scenario may not occur but I suspect said medals won't be on the fireplace mantel much longer.
The huge question is who are the clowns who decide the winners of this one time prestigious award?
***After the most minimal or research the Annenberg Society, a far-left group selects the winners.
The screeners and judges are listed in the attachment.

I Feel So Much Safer

President Obama’s Department of Homeland Security caught then released 68,000 aliens who had previously been convicted of a crime, a new report from the Center for Immigration Studies shows.

Shucks! Another Healthcare Glitch

What a shame. It's 8:AM on the final day of sign-ups for ObamaCare and bad luck has struck the President again. The computer sign-in, is down and useless. The 800 number is not functioning, either. Do you know what this means? Millions and millions of Americans who want to sign-up and, at the same time, pay their premiums cannot do so. I hate to throw gas on an already bad bonfire for the administration but why not blame this bad luck on the usual person, GWB.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

College Money (Not)Well Spent

Mom and Dad with kids in college: Have you given a thought about throwing your cash down a sewer?

SARATOGA SPRINGS, N.Y. (AP) — A college in upstate New York is offering a summer course on Miley Cyrus and won't even make students do any class twerk. The Saratogian newspaper reports ( ) the course will be offered by Skidmore College, a private liberal arts college in Saratoga Springs. Visiting Assistant Professor Carolyn Chernoff calls the course "The Sociology of Miley Cyrus: Race, Class, Gender and Media."

"Somebody Get Me Out Of This"

pope between POS & lurch

"All's I'm Tryin' To Say Is"

There was a very good high school football coach in my past who was also as a protégé'. I always had him pegged for the college ranks but he left for a small town in Illinois, Robinson, around 1984 and spent the rest of his career in that community. Whenever there were chalkboard sessions and he wanted to make a point he'd come out with, "All's I'm tryin' to say is". Well, this past week has been what should be the death knell for anything Obama and democRats, in general. Take Leland Yee(apologies to Henny Youngman), "Please, anybody". He was a high level senate democRat from California who made the elimination of guns from our society his number one priority. Yee was involved in an FBI undercover op because he was working with the Chinese mafia in SanFran and providing any kind of assault rifle, grenade launcher, shoulder fired missiles to the ChiComs and Islamic radicals in the Philippines. You get links for the price of one: Then another FBI sting operation took place, this one involving the Mayor of Charlotte for taking a $50K bribe.
In Philadelphia D-Rat state politicians were videotaped taking bribes. The State Attorney General, Kathleen Kane refused to bring charges against the politicians citing racism. She effectively shut down a three year operation. .
If you still believe all of the healthcare problems will be solved by the thirty-first or April 15 or by 2030 then think again. The gang that couldn't shoot straight will have to come up with more excuses for implementation failures in two days. It's going to be a funfest.
 Finally, and this is a hoot, the only story I could find in the past week on the failures of ObamaCare came from Saturday Night Live. They ran a segment with two actors, Obama and Justin Timberlake making out. Sounds icky but it was an ObamaCAre put down. Have you read about these or heard  stories on the MSN? I didn't think so. And would you like to know why? It's because the MSM is going full bore on stories about Chris Christie and "Bridgegate" and their attempts to divert attention away from everything Obama; foreign and domestic. All of the networks, even Fox, are still in overload mode on the missing Malaysia flight. Right behind that one, and it shouldn't be this way, is the tragic mudslide story from the State of Washington. This morning I read an account of an interview with former Nebraska senator, Bob Kerrey(Democrat). Kerrey warrants a small r in Democrat. I consider him to be an honest man. Kerrey gave an all out interview on why Obama is a delusional liar and inept leader. Unfortunately, the article will only show up in the UK papers. As for Kerrey, don't expect him to be invited to any White House functions soon. "Hey Bob, watch your back.".
"Alls I'm tryin' to say is there's a whole lot of shenanigans goin' on out there, folks". Sometimes it has to be sought out by you. Questioning and research is the key to learning.

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Obama Giving Russia Free MIlitary Equipment

Behind closed doors the U.S. government is giving Russia free military equipment—also used to train American troops—even after President Obama announced punitive sanctions against Moscow and, more importantly, a suspension in military engagement over the invasion and occupation of Ukraine.

What Liberals Don't Understand About Guns


ISU biology professor Dean Adams holds a tray of salamanders. Their decreasing size is most pronounced in regions that saw the biggest increases in temperature and decreases in humidity, research shows.

You've been kept in suspense long enough. A few days ago I asked that you guess why this Iowa State pointy head suggested the reason for the ever diminishing size of salamanders. The answer is easy. He's blaming it on George Bush. Aw, I'm just kidding. His actual proclamation was global warming. Who da' thunk it?

Friday, March 28, 2014

ObamaCare: Another Store Chain Bites The Dust

Citing Obamacare and an increase in the state’s minimum wage, the owner of Waterford-based Yankee One Dollar is closing down shop on all 23 remaining locations.
Via the Times Union:
Waterford-based Yankee One Dollar stores will be gone within the next five months, its owner told the Post Star of Glens Falls. Keith Flike blamed the Affordable Care Act and the increase in the state’s minimum wage for the decision to shut down. Each store has six to 10 employees, he told the Post Star.
Yankee One Dollar has 23 stores, down from a peak of 39. The Daily Gazette reported stores at Crosstown Plaza in Schenectady and at Rotterdam Square mall would close. Yankee One Dollar also has stores at Hudson Valley Plaza in Troy and in Waterford.

Gnashing My Teeth

The U.S Education Department’s Office for Civil Rights has forced a school in Michigan to tear down a brand-new set of bleachers for its boys’ varsity baseball team because the new seating is nicer than the girls’ softball bleachers.
in Canton, Mich., was ordered to tear down a new set of bleachers after government officials told them they're no longer equal to the girls' bleacher (Image source:
Plymouth High School in Canton, Mich., was ordered to tear down a new set of bleachers after government officials told them they’re no longer equal to the girls’ bleachers. (Image source: WJBK-TV)
The raised seating deck for the boys’ baseball team, which was paid for with money raised by parents, was put in place because fans who’d come to watch games at Plymouth High School in Canton, Mich., were having a hard time seeing the game through the chain-link fence WJBK-TV reported.
The parents installed the new bleachers themselves and even added a new scoreboard to the field, the station reported.
Note: There had to be a do-gooder who brought this to the attention of the government. I say we find out then throw garbage in their car.

Why Would You Trust Obama

When the ObamaCare bill was signed into office we were told it would cost 'only' $900 billion to implement. At this stage we are now at $2.2 trillion and counting. You knew all along this would be the case.

Iowa: Where Sin Is Paid By The Taxpayer

IOWA WRITES A LETTER: Instead of tracking the use of EBT cards, the Iowa Department of Human Services has decided the best way to keep welfare recipients from using their cards at liquor stores, casinos and strip clubs is to write them a letter telling them not to do it.

The State of Iowa has decided to do something about the abuses of the EBT cards, more commonly know as food stamps. It's not only Iowa but in every state massive amounts of fraud take place paid for by the taxpayer. Iowa has decided to take the proverbial bull my the horns. The Iowa Department of Human Services has dropped the hammer. From now on Iowa will do nothing to eliminate food stamp cards from being used in liquor stores, casinos and strip clubs. They do have a solution, though. Letters will be sent out to welfare recipients asking that they don't abuse their privileges.

How To Get An Easy A- In College

Mary Willingham is in deep doo-doo. You see, she's the former professor at the Univ. of North Carolina in charge of teaching student athletes--until she retired and turned whistle blower. She has been condemned by the school for raising a ruckus regarding athletes receiving fake grades. She said that athletes were guided toward fake classes and received gifted grades to comply with NCAA rules. Even so, one professor, Julius Nyang'oso has been charged with fraud and, of course, is fighting these charges.
Willingham found that between 2004-12 183 athletes, in football and basketball, were reading at levels between grades 4-8.
It's imperative, in Willingham's defense, that proof be exhibited. So here it is; a 146 word essay on Rosa Parks, the civil rights icon for which the writer received an A-. Roy Williams, the UNC head basketball coach, came to the defense of his players. He said that his team has one of the highest graduation rates in the country. I believe him. With an essay of the type presented Zippy the Chimp would graduate with honors.

"On the evening of December Rosa Parks decided that she was going to sit in the  white people section on the bus in Montgomery, Alabama. During this time blacks had to give up there seats to whites when more whites got on the bus. Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat. Her and the bus driver began to talk and the conversation went like this. 'Let me have those front seats' said the driver.  She didn’t get up and told the driver that she was tired of giving her seat to white people. I’m going to have you arrested,' said the driver. 'You may do that,' Rosa Parks responded. Two white policemen came in and Rosa Parks asked them 'why do you all push us around?' The police officer replied and said 'I don’t know, but the law is the law and you’re under arrest".

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Thursday, March 27, 2014

Biden: “11 Million Undocumented Aliens Are Already Americans In My View”…

Spend a few seconds reading the headlines on the blog piece. This guy, Joe Biden, wants to be our next president. He reminds me of a few high school students I taught over the years. "Fat, dumb and stupid is no way to go through life", Dean Wormer told us. Well, take away the fat part and vice-President Biden is the real deal.

A Good Question For Liberals


A Child's Lenten Sacrifice

It's too bad Art Linkletter isn't around to appreciate my four year-old San Antonio grandson. If you recall he's the one who, on is way to his first T-ball practice, wanted to know if there was tackling in baseball.
My kids, all three of them, observe Lent with the children. They are all required to give up one of the things most dear to them for the six week period. My nine year-old Ohio grandson decided to forego video games. That was a big deal for him. His sister, well she decided to put the magic markers away. Baby steps, folks, baby steps.
On the way to pre-school at the beginning of the Lenten period my daughter was quizzing that irrepressible four year-old about what he was going to sacrifice for Lent. After much thought and wondering looks in the sky he decided that, and I'll put it in his words: "I won't throw up. If I do, maybe I'll get to take a Disney cruise". I don't understand the correlation between Lent, barfing and Disney but he does and that's all that counts.

Top Flight Security At WTC

This sleeping, half-blind guard was WTC’s first line of defense

An aging, half-blind security guard assigned as the first line of defense inside the Freedom Tower was caught sleeping on the job.
A shocking cell-phone photo obtained by The Post shows Abdul Basher, 65, stretched out nearly horizontal in his chair in the skyscraper’s south lobby, where he was the only guard assigned to the protect the ground floor of the top US terror target.


Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Harry Reid: The King Of Crooks

Forced by the Federal Election Commission to explain where $17,000 from his campaign went, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid acknowledged giving the money to his granddaughter for “holiday gifts” in late 2013, and finally reimbursed the money to his campaign. The money "stolen" has now been updated to $31,000.

President Buffoon Calls Russia A Regonal Power

"A regional power? According to Obama's own Department of Defense, the Russian empire — which now encompasses nine time zones — has never been more expansive. And now it's getting involved in our hemisphere.
Russia once tried to set up military bases in Cuba (in 1959), Chile (1970) and Nicaragua (1980) — and now it's talking about doing the same in Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela. It's also getting more venturesome in its submarine excursions around U.S. Gulf ports, laying groundwork for something, but what?
Regional powers don't act this way. But nuclear powers with revanchist aims do — and it doesn't pay to dismiss them".

As of yesterday Mr. Putin had taken over 51 Ukrainian naval vessels and Obama continues to call Russia a regional power. Picture the result if my neighbor came to my garage and commandeered my Mazda 5. You wouldn't find me waving bye-bye as he drove away.

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Is Nancy Pelosi Another Margaret Sanger -- Planned Parenthood on Thursday will give House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) its Margaret Sanger Award, named for a woman who advocated eugenics and who wrote that large families would be doing what was "most merciful" if they killed one of their infants. “The most merciful thing that the large family does to one of its infant members is to kill it,” wrote Sanger. Planned Parenthood is giving Pelosi, a Catholic, its Margaret Sanger Award because of her “leadership, excellence, and outstanding contributions to the reproductive health and rights movement over the course of her career.”

It should be mentioned Sanger also felt Blacks were an inferior race and should be, how can this be said so as not to be offensive? Viola! The word magically came to me. It's EXTERMINATED!

Intelligent Lawyers; Difficult To Come By

Iowa politics is delightfully alluring to me. In other words, I can't figure the state's penchant for voting, especially on the senatorial level. For years the populace has elected Charles Grassley, about as Far Right as a person can be. He wins office every six years with a percentage between 65% to 70%. That's close to what Sarah Palin did in Alaska. On the other hand Iowans select DemocRat, Tom Harkin, by an average of 55%. Harkin happens to be one of the top three voting liberals in the Senate. He's more left than Chuck Schumer and Dick Durbin. The good news for Iowa and the country is Harkin is hanging it up. He's going back home, he said, but I suspect he'll become one of those dreaded lobbyists with an office on D.C's K street.
The man hoping to succeed Harkin is Bruce Braley. Remember this: he's a lawyer. This is important to understand the mindset of liberals and lawyers. I want to thank my Storm Lake, Iowa correspondent for the following information.
"Braley was speaking to a group of lawyers in Texas—that’s the way to raise money to run to represent Iowa evidently—and said if the Republicans took back the Senate, Charles Grassley, Republican from Iowa would be head of the judiciary committee for agriculture and he was just a farmer with no law degree."
Since Iowa is considered a farm state with thousands of voting farmers does this irresponsible comment make sense? Of course not because Braley has shown himself to be a condescending windbag. Truth be told, Braley paid Grassley a humongous compliment when he said Grassley didn't have a degree in jurisprudence. Lawyers rank right behind car salesman in being trustworthy. I suspect Braley didn't realize there were cell phones with the capacity take movie pictures transmittable to Iowa during his fund raiser. It took about thirteen seconds for his comment to reverberate across the Hawkeye state. Trust me on this one I know: From LeMars in northwest Iowa to Keokuk in the very southeast, from Waukon in the northeast to Portsmouth in the southwest and all farm towns in between there are a whole slew of fellas in bib overalls who've heard they are "just farmers". Lawyers are fun. They make the silliest comments.
You folks are so lucky to have me as your host. I have an article and video of Braley embarrassing himself. As you watch the video take note of the liquor bottles to the left of Braley. This might be his excuse, "I was drunk when I made the speech so it wasn't my fault".

You Guess The Story About The Salamanders

ISU biology professor Dean Adams holds a tray of salamanders. Their decreasing size is most pronounced in regions that saw the biggest increases in temperature and decreases in humidity, research shows.

Not all college prof loons are from Harvard and Yale. This guy is a science instructor at Iowa State University in Ames, Iowa. In case you don't know he's holding a pan with seven salamanders. They certainly look tiny, almost like they haven't been fed for weeks on end. Can you guess the reason the dear Prof says is the cause of this biological tragedy? Go ahead and give it a try.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Gutfeld Speaks

There's a very clever site on the blog called   Give it a looksee. When you click on the pictures hundreds and hundreds of other biting and humorous photos appear. It's fun and good for the soul.

A Little Originality, Please

TOMS RIVER, N.J. (AP) — Police say a man who just completed a 15-year prison term for robbing a New Jersey shoe store went back there the day after his release and committed the same crime.
Toms River police say that on Saturday afternoon 40-year-old Christopher Miller went to the store he robbed in 1999. They say he demanded cash from two employees, eventually took a cash register containing $389 and fled on foot with the employees' cellphones.

Covering Up Crime: It's The American Way

There were two significant stories in the news that are massive cover-ups. The first took place in Chicago in 2004 and involved the murder of a young man. He was attacked with fists, fell backward and hit his head on a curb. Within to weeks he died. The perpetrator was the nephew of then Mayor Richard Daley. After all these years the Mayor's nephew finally received his sentence; six months in jail and a $20,000 fine. In addition, an apology to the mother was the dead boy was required. You can read the entire story for yourself.

Over the week-end there was a monster riot in downtown Louisville, Kentucky. Did you read about it or see the story on television? I didn't think so. Want to know why? I'll going out on a limb and say the reason is because the 200 rioters and attackers of innocent people were Black--each and every one of them. Now, why do you suppose this veil of secrecy? Could it have anything to do with the networks and print media being called racists for responsible reporting? Remember this; all of these kids could be Barack's and Michelle's sons and daughters.

15 Reasons Obama Is The Greatest President In America History

Town Hall – by John Hawkins, November 23, 2013
1) He’s sending weapons to Libya to help repair America’s strained relationship with Al-Qaeda.
2) Parents all across the country can now point to Barack Obama’s performance when they’re explaining to their children why they shouldn’t use drugs.  
3) He won the Nobel Peace Prize. Hello!
4) Thanks to, “New Coke” no longer has to bear the shame of being the worst product roll-out in American history.
5) Because of Obama, 91 million people without jobs now have plenty of time to spend with their family.
6) He extended childhood all the way up to 26 by allowing “children” to stay on their parents insurance until then.
7) He’s kept goofy Uncle Joe Biden from becoming President for five long years.
8) No President in American history has done more to further gun sales than Barack Obama.
9) Without Barack Obama, none of us would have ever heard the name Sandra Fluke and what a tragedy that would be!
10) He has already broken Bill Clinton’s record for the most lies told in one presidency with three years left to go in office.
11) When the SEALS asked for permission to kill Bin Laden, he didn’t insist that they merely give Osama a good talking to instead.
12) He has worked tirelessly to know the American people better through invasive TSA searches, reading their emails, and listening in on their phone calls.
13) He’s living proof that even a pothead who thinks there are 57 states can still live the American dream.
14) Because of Obama’s economic policies, more Americans than ever have gotten to experience the sweet, sweet joy of funemployment!
15) Obama’s policies are so bad that even real racists have stopped hating him for being black and hate him for his failed policies.

This Is The Face Of Al-Qaeda

iraq crucify

Thank God for the blog site, Gateway Pundit. They are one of the few detailing atrocities by Al-Qaeda against anyone who opposes then. This poor man pictured was, thankfully, shot in the head prior to his crucifixion. The act took place in northern Iraq. There have been hundreds of murders against Syrian citizens in the last year and before. And, have you yet heard an announcement from our administration denouncing the terrorist acts against humanity, primarily Christians? Mass decapitations are another commonly used method for those who oppose the religion of Allah, the relgion of peace. I repeat, when have you heard Obama say a phrase, sentence or word against these crimes against mankind? What is the reason for this, my friends.? In the event it would accomplish something of consequence my suggestion is to write or call your congressman. It's a first step. But, at least your conscience would be assuaged. Prayers folks, prayers for a world gone haywire.
The next time you hear a report coming from Al-Jazeera or listen to the Council on American Islamic Relations(CAIR) tell us how unfair we are to Muslims in this country and around the world picture this crucified man in your mind. The face of Sharia Law is a crime against

Monday, March 24, 2014

Jimmy Carter Is Bats

"But Jimmy, have you forgotten the Islamists".

Jimmy Carter has blamed the Catholic and Southern Baptist churches for the abuse of women around the world. According to Carter, men around the world use the doctrine of those churches on the role of women as justification for abusing women.

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Title This Post 'Despicable'

What is it about Leftists that they can impose their views on the world as if their words are gospel? Have they no shame? I look forward to Planned Parenthood's views on what has been exposed in the United Kingdom. I'm sure they'll come back with, "it's only a tissue mass".

Aborted babies incinerated to heat UK hospitals

The remains of more than 15,000 babies were incinerated as 'clinical waste' by hospitals in Britain with some used in 'waste to energy' plants.

A Few Questions For All Of The MSM

In the course of my day there are many pieces of good writing that catch my attention. It happened this afternoon in a Townhall composition. The author is Shawn Mitchell. He poses many questions that need answers from our leader. It's really quite embarrassing to think that these people call themselves journalists then shill for this administration. Read the article. Enjoy.

The Sports Media Is Now Suicidal

It's a great day for Cyclone Nation. The University of North Carolina went down to defeat to the Iowa State Cyclones last evening in the NCAA's. The sports media in this country are distraught as is CBS which carries the games. It's all about viewers and commercial money.
The first dagger was when that basketball powerhouse, Mercer, knocked off the Duke Blue Devils. Hard on the heels of that one was when Kansas hit the skids via Stanford. The media's last hope was North Carolina. Without these teams in the NCAA's it would seem like an orphan without an orphanage. Who would watch? Who would want to watch? Why, if these great institutions aren't in the Dance what's the sense in having a tournament. If Bill Self, Mike Kyzezewski and Roy Williams, the greatest basketball minds since Johnny Wooden, can't show their smarts it's a worthless tourney so think the sports media. Clue to anybody: Fred Hoiberg from Iowa State is the best coach in America--period. Opinion only, but kids go to the aforementioned schools because of their reputation as basketball powerhouses. If a prospect wants to play for a guy who isn't a showboat and bigger than the game he should play for Hoiberg. He never yells at his players and treats them with respect. He was once asked about his demeanor. His answer: "I want to treat kids they way I would want to be treated".
Try as they might last night's television announcers, beginning with six minutes to play in the second half,  couldn't will a victory for the Tar Heels.
Hail Cyclones everywhere.

And That's The Way It Is


From The Washington Times:

President Obama famously fills out an NCAA March Madness basketball bracket ever year, but it’s nothing like the one recently circulated by campus conservative activist Caleb Bonham.
Mr. Bonham asked students at George Mason University to fill out a bracket ranking the “elite eight” Obama administration missteps, which he called the “Obama March Madness Scandal Edition.”
“Which scandal will win the big dance?” says the YouTube video posted Friday by Campus Reform.
The result was a three-way tie between “IRS Targets Conservatives,” “If You Like Your Plan, You Can Keep Your Plan,” and “NSA Collection of Citizens’ Email and Phone Data.”
One student said he picked “the IRS targeting conservatives, because that’s partially probably how he got into office.”
Another student called the so-called “BarackTology” bracket “pretty incredible,” while a third called it “terrifying.”
“I really trusted this administration at first and they’ve broken a lot of that trust and I really wanted to see some change happen because — I don’t know, I thought I could trust them, but they just got really sketchy really fast,” she said.
The other options were “Botched Rollout of,” “Benghazi,” “Obama Bypassing Congress to Delay Elements of Obamacare,” “Fast and Furious,” and “Department of Justice Spying on Reporters.”

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Sunday, March 23, 2014

Cuba Gives Doctors, Nurses Massive Pay Hike

News Alert: Someone should corner Sean Penn for an interview:

Cuba is giving its hundreds of thousands of medical workers raises that in some cases exceed 100 percent, official media on the island announced Friday.
The Communist Party daily newspaper Granma also reported that Cuba expects to take in $8.2 billion this year for the tens of thousands of medical worker it sends to care for the poor in countries such as Venezuela and Brazil.
Granma published a sample of what the pay hikes, which take effect June 1, will look like. At the high end, doctors with two specialties will see their salary go from the equivalent of $26 a month to $67, while an entry-level nurse will make $25, up from $13.

There Are Catholics And Then There Are Catholics

 Nancy Pelosi to receive award named for KKK advocate:
Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PP) announced that House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi, an alleged Roman Catholic, will be given “the Margaret Sanger Award, the organization’s highest honor, in recognition of her leadership, excellence, and outstanding contributions to the reproductive health and rights movement over the course of her career,” according to a Planned Parenthood website posting...
Margaret Sanger was hardly the woman's rights hero that the modern Left markets. In fact, she was an advocate for the Ku Klux Klan and a zealot for culling out "inferior" races from the nation's gene pool.

Joe Biden Quote(s) Of The Day

Does Joe Biden wake up in the morning, look in the mirror, and say out loud, "I would make one hell of a good President". If stupid quotes defined a person Joe's would fill a book larger than the health care law.

Joe Biden was anointed to lead the Gun Control Task Force. In his own words: "We need more gun control because we don't have time or manpower to enforce the ones we have"

The guy is #1 in the line of succession to the highest office in the land, my friends.

From Big Fur Hat via iOwnTheWorldJoe Biden linked Russia’s invasion into Ukraine to its anti-gay laws during a speech Saturday in Los Angeles. Biden addressed the Human Rights Council at their annual gala in Los Angeles.

Biden quote of the day #2(3-22-14)
Joe Biden linked Russia’s invasion into Ukraine to its anti-gay laws during a speech Saturday in Los Angeles. Biden addressed the Human Rights Council at their annual gala in Los Angeles.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Gay NBA Superstar On A Roll

Does the name, Jason Collins, mean anything to you? I know it doesn't because he was a pawn of the Far Left and now that he's fulfilled his purpose he's become a blip on their screen. The "lefties" have made Collins this years Cindy Sheehan. Last year, Collins, a basketball player, announced he was gay. Michelle Obama came "out" and announced how proud she was he had the courage to be a role model(for the 2% of gays in America). Barack tweeted him on his decision, too. The MSM was agog.  They now had a segment to run on their nightly shows for the next three weeks.

Two weeks ago the Brooklyn Nets of the NBA announced they were signing Collins to a ten day contract. Collins told the world that he was going to wear a specified number in sympathy to Matthew Shepard. I'm not sure why since Shepard's gay lover murdered him over a drug deal gone haywire.

This entire scenario is much more than ridiculous. I'm glad Collins is in the NBA plying his trade. He's made such an impact on the team that I figure you'd like to see his numbers:

'Collins has averaged .5 points and .7 rebounds per game since his he signed with the Brooklyn Nets'.

At my age I could average a half point a game and almost one rebound---drunk and in a wheelchair. So, maybe Collins' signing wasn't about his skill but had more to do with social awareness.

Collins gayness isn't that significant in the big scheme of things. Telling the world about it and expecting sympathy is.

The World's Best Job And Other Stuff


There are jobs and then there are jobs. As an illustration I present Jaime Maggio. She's a sideline reporter for TBS an TNT. In case you don't know her qualifications it doesn't matter. All you have to do is look at her picture. It's Jaime's job to corral a coach at the end of the first half of a basketball game and ask him the probing questions: "Coach, what can you do to stop your opponents offense"? "How do you feel going into the locker room"? "What can you do next half to win"? Why isn't your best player scoring baskets? "Thanks coach".
What a gig for any and all hot looking girls. My daughter was pretty snazzy looking when she got out of college. I wonder why she didn't become a sideline reporter making gazillions instead of a seemingly worthless elementary school teacher forming young minds.

Have you ever watched a West Virginia University football or basketball game? Their basketball team didn't make the NCAA's this year but they were invited to the National Invitational Tournament(NIT). A big fan of their coach, Bob Huggins, I am not. He's always appeared to be rather thuggish. Oh, hell, he's a thug. Last November I was playing a round of golf with a radio and television announcer for Big Twelve Conference. I mentioned that when he was finished introducing the West Virginia team I'd give him a hundred dollar bill if he announced the WV coach as, "that fat pig, Bob Huggins". He lost out on some easy cash.

Speaking of West Virginia, have you ever seen their team mascot? He wears a "mountaineer" uniform; leather pants and shirt with a coonskin cap. He also carries-- GASP--,  a musket. In football, whenever a touchdown is scored he fires that bad boy into the air. The same for basketball when they win a game.
Why is it some do-gooder hasn't brought the wrath of liberalism down on the school for promoting guns---in a university, no less? I should start an anti-musket movement and see how it plays out. What's worse, having a mascot named an Indian or having a gun fired in the air? Not only that but he carries the gun in his hand the entire game. This is almost despicable.

My son and I attended the Iowa-Tennessee NCAA game on Wednesday. The Hawkeyes lost. What else is new? This is what I took away from the game. I thought the Michigan fight song was the absolute worst in the history of college sports. It has been replaced by Tennessee's, Rocky Top.
Trust me on this one. It'll send you to the booby hatch and, according to sources, the band tries to play it fifty times during an athletic contest. It's horrid.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Ban Bossy? I Don't Think So

You know it's a loser campaign when Sandra Fluke jumps on the bandwagon

Game Day Interruptus

It's day 2 of the NCAA's. More on this in the next blog. I'll be incommunicado for the rest of March 21 due to the dreaded colonoscopy. I told a friend this morning that when I went to the bathroom the flush handle told me to go to hell.
I've heard some rumors about an airplane flying out of Malaysia gone missing. Don't know too much about it but as soon as I do I'll let you know.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Because He's A Liberal


One More Reason To Send Your Child To Private Schools

VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. (WAVY) — We teach kids that honesty is the best policy, but at one Virginia Beach middle school it might be better to keep the truth to yourself.
Last Thursday at Bayside Middle School, sixth grader Adrionna Harris came to the aide of a classmate who was cutting his arm. She faces expulsion for taking a razor from the student, throwing it away and convincing him what he was doing wasn’t right. She thought she was doing the right thing, so on Friday she told the school administration what happened. The way school officials responded led to this question: was the school’s zero tolerance policy taken too far?
Instead of getting praise from the school administration, Adrionna got a 10 day suspension with recommendation for expulsion. The interesting thing — the only reason Adrionna got suspended was because she admitted what happened. The alleged weapon was thrown away, and it was her word alone that led to her suspension.

Al Qaeda Operatives Working Inside The IRS

Al-Qaeda spy and convicted felon Weiss Russell is currently working as a financial management analyst under the IRS Deputy Chief Financial Officer. As reported by Patrick Poole of PJ Media, Russell was convicted of spying for al-Qaeda operatives in 2008 for secretly accessing the FBI’s database to tip off al-Qaeda operatives who were under surveillance.
And this is rumored to be just the tip of the iceberg!
What is our Commander-in-Chief, Barack Hussein Obama, doing about al-Qaeda operatives infiltrating the IRS? Launching an investigation? Raiding IRS offices? Rounding up all the Islamists and Muslim Brotherhood operatives in his administration? None of the above. Obama has in fact welcomed Islamists into his administration with open arms.
Time to impeach Obama.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

How Not To Run A Business

It's not easy running a business. Just ask Sbarro who again filed for bankruptcy. Usually, food establishments close because people don't come in. That makes sense. If you happen to be a guy named Pete who owns the Backstreets Pub & Deli there's another reason to expect his business to shut down. He's certifiable. Believe it or not, he put this sign in the window of his eating place.
When interviewed Pete said he was a conservative democrat. Hah! If they had a political party for 'Blithering Idiot' he'd be elected president.
His excuse is that since the place is in Clemson, So. Car., a college town, there are enough policeman around to keep the piece.

Being A DemocRat Means Never Having To Say You're Sorry

"Pennsylvania Democrats were caught on surveillance tape reportedly accepting cash bribes in return for opposing voter ID in the Pennsylvania legislature. Gifts of Tiffany’s jewelry were also given to Democrat legislators from Philadelphia, reportedly in exchange for “NO” votes on a Pennsylvania voter ID bill that passed in 2012.
Despite this evidence, Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane has not charged any officials. Kane is a Democrat. Kane's excuse for her inaction? Racism: some of the legislators caught on tape accepting bribes were black Democrats from Philadelphia".

In Preparation For The Dreaded Colonoscopy

Getting old is tiresome. Getting old is tiresome mentally and physically. I can understand why old people don't care if they die. I've started taking stock of doctor visits and I'm quickly falling into the category of becoming super old. The best aspect of my week is when I look at my personal schedule and don't see, "Dr. visit".
2013 was not a good year in the death department. Quite of few friends and acquaintances moved on to their eternal reward and, saddened as I was, moved on quickly. It is what it is. Thirty years ago if someone my age died I'd go into shock. I'd make light of death and dying because it would help me ward off the evilness of it's finality. In regard to the possibility of death I can now proclaim that, "I am here".
This may be more of a problem that I thought but I'll try and remember doctor visits I've made in the last twelve months: 1) General Practioner: once every three months for blood tests to make sure my medications are working(they aren't), 2) Optometrist twice, 3) brain mapping sessions, once a week every week,
3) podiatrist, 4) dentist-three visits yearly unless my veneer caps come off which they do when I eat popcorn. I happen to be an Orville Redenbacher fanatic. I don't know what I'll do when all my teeth fall out. Besides, only losers eat popcorn sans "old maids". 5) Audiologist for hearing aid adjustments and a six month supply of batteries, four times yearly. The more doctor visits a person has the less likely they are to be depressed about the Big Sleep.
I'm missing other doctor visits but you get my drift. On Friday I visit my Buttologist. I'm past due for the dreaded colonoscopy. I had my first one fifteen years ago. My friends told me it was a nothing deal. Some guy knocks you out, then you wake up and it's all over. Well, here's what they didn't tell me. During the process, as my Buttologist was performing his duties, snipping a polyp I presume, I awakened with an earth shattering scream. My insides were on fire. The anesthesiologist must have received his degree in Jamaica. Then, after the procedure, I came home and lay on my couch for three hours oblivious to what year it was. My second butt scan produced no polyps. My third did. My fourth scan was to take place in 2007. Since I can't remember what I had for lunch the previous day I forgot about it. The hospital sent a letter to my home informing me I was a high risk candidate for cancer. That didn't work out so well. We had moved and the letter was returned to the hospital, 'non-deliverable'. So, three months ago my GP said, "You haven't had a colonoscopy in awhile". I hadn't thought about it that much. I responded with, "What's it been, two years"?  "No he said, it's more like seven". Have you ever heard this one? GP's bury their mistakes!
I made an appointment with the Mt. Carmel Buttology facility and the big event happens this Friday. I did receive one scary phone call from the nurse where the procedure will happen. She said, "Where have you been? You' re high risk for colon cancer". That, my friends, is unnerving. I asked, "Why is it you can't find the right home address"? It was a wasted smart aleck statement.
Yesterday I drove to my local Walgreen's to buy the necessary essentials. I've always purchased a cleansing liquid in an 8 oz. bottle. It's easy and does the job as well as can be expected. But, my doctor wrote a prescription for the dreaded Nutrycrap. You know what it is, a big jug with powder in it. Then water is added and you drink it until you're as bloated as some New York gangster who has been in the Hudson River for a month. It's like a non-stop enema for the mouth. The next horrid aspect is I'm scheduled for my probe at 2:30 on Friday. Every other one has been at 8 AM. This means I have to start the flushing process on Thursday morning then carry it out until noonish on Friday. People in the old Soviet gulags didn't go that long without food.
As I consider the results of the exam I've come to the conclusion that I'm not afraid of what the doctor tells me. Not trying to sound morbid but if I had the Big C I could handle it. If I don't then I'll do it all over again in a couple of years. Getting old is a lot easier than youngsters would think. We've seen and heard enough in our earlier lives that we can roll with the punch quite easily. When given bad news old people will say, "Well, that's a good excuse to take that trip I've always wanted".
I don't mind some stranger sticking a cattle prod up my rectum but, God forbid, if I wake up I'm going to slap him silly. That's what old people get to do.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

It Should Be Illegal For Democrats To Own Guns

In 1863 a Democrat shot and killed Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States.
In 1881 a left wing radical Democrat shot James Garfield, President of the United States who later died from the wound.
In 1963 a radical left wing socialist shot and killed John F. Kennedy, President of the United States.
In 1975 a left wing radical Democrat fired shots at Gerald Ford, President of the United States.
In 1983 a registered Democrat shot and wounded Ronald Reagan.
In 1984 James Huberty a disgruntled Democrat shot and killed 22 people in a McDonalds restaurant.
In 1986 Patrick Sherril a disgruntled Democrat shot and killed 15 people in an Oklahoma post office.
In 1990 James Pough a disgruntled Democrat shot and killed 10 people at a GMAC office.
In 1991 George Hennard a disgruntled Democrat shot and killed 23 people in a Luby�s cafeteria.
In 1995 James Daniel Simpson a disgruntled Democrat shot and killed 5 coworkers in a Texas laboratory.
In 1999 Larry Asbrook a disgruntled Democrat shot and killed 8 people at a church service.
In 2001 a left wing radical Democrat fired shots at the White House in a failed attempt to kill George W. Bush, President of the US.
In 2003 Douglas Williams a disgruntled Democrat shot and killed 7 people at a Lockheed Martin plant.
In 2007 a registered Democrat named Seung – Hui Cho shot and killed 32 people in Virginia Tech .
In 2010 a mentally ill registered Democrat named Jared Lee Loughner shot Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and killed 6 others.
In 2011 a registered Democrat named James Holmes went into a movie theater and shot and killed 12 people.
In 2012 Andrew Engeldinger a disgruntled Democrat shot and killed 7 people in Minneapolis.
In 2013 a registered Democrat named Adam Lanza shot and killed 26 people in a school.
Clearly, there is a problem with Democrats and guns.
No NRA member, Tea Party member, or Republican conservatives are involved.
SOLUTION: It should be illegal for Democrats to own guns.


Questioning A Persons Blackness


When I was teaching high school in the 80's I had quite a few Blacks in my classes. One day we were discussing 'blackness' as it pertained to social strata. In other words, and this came from the students, the more "White" a person the higher they were amalgamated into the mainstream. The darker a persons skin color the less a person they were----in their society.
Since that time we've seen this Blackness apply to politics. If a person is black and supports the Republican/Conservative parties they become sellouts to the cause.

Read this article and attachment from a Black perspective to better understand:
Op-ed by Providence Crowder:

Recently, many black people have questioned my blackness. Apparently, for some, I’m not black enough.

But, what makes the claim so bogus to me is that our bi-racial president has been accepted as black by the black masses, even though his mother is white and he was raised by his white grandparents.

 Some people have said what makes a person black is “the struggle.” What struggle, I ask? What more does Obama know about struggle than me? For a very brief time he lived in Indonesia, but, even in Indonesia, he lived a fairly comfortable life.

Here, in America, he has lived a privileged life, gone to top notch schools and colleges—and he hasn’t even spent enough time around black people to pick up, as one Democratic politician put it, a so-called “negro dialect.”

"Seriously, Can't We Stop This Nonsense"

I own four Swiss Army knives of the small variety. Four is a lot but I keep losing them and have to run down to Wal-Mart and buy a new one. Then, a week or so later, I'll find the "lost one". Hence, I've got a bunch. The blade is an inch and a half long. If you double that length do not, under any circumstances, be a high school student and leave the knife in the glove compartment of your car located in the school parking lot. If you live in Jefferson, Ohio and do this you'll be breaking the law and kicked out of school. How I lasted twenty years as a secondary school teacher is beyond comprehension.

Here's the story:
An Ohio high school student has already been jailed and kicked out of school for having a pocket knife in his car, and now he fears he could lose his dream of serving in the Army.
Jordan Wiser, a student at Ashtabula County Technical School in Jefferson, is finishing up his senior year from home after school officials searched his car in December and found the folding knife and an Airsoft gun. School officials called police, who charged him with illegal conveyance of a weapon onto a school ground based on the three-inch knife.

“I declined to allow them to search myself or my car and that I wanted to talk to my lawyer or my father,” Wiser told “They told me it wasn’t an option.”
Wiser, an EMT trainee who hopes to become both a police officer and a soldier, spent 13 days in the Ashtabula County Jail following the incident.

The Coat Hanger: America's Most Diabolical Murder Weapon

Wire Coat Hanger

Yesterday I put a photo on this site showing former Surgeon General, C. Everett Koop. In it he stated that in his thirty-six years of practice he had never witnessed a medical case where an abortion was mandatory to save the life of the mother. Then I started thinking about coat hangers. Liberals, for years, have claimed that the coat hanger was a necessary item for pregnant women who couldn't receive a legal abortion. Not being a woman I cringed at the thought of sticking a sharpened end of wire into my vagina to kill a child and damage my innards. Ouch! Do you know how this "lie" started? Well, you can attribute it to one man, Dr. Bernard Nathanson. The good doctor came up with the idea for the coat hanger propaganda. He was a New York doctor who worked with the Mother of the Feminist Movement, Betty Friedan, to bring about the passage of Roe v. Wade. Oh, he had help. Who can ever forget the Lion of the Senate, Theodore "Teddy" Kennedy speaking about abortion on the floor of the Senate?  He was waving a coat hanger and bemoaning the fact that there had to be so many back alley abortions. This is the same Teddy Kennedy who murdered more people with his car than I have with my 12 gauge shot gun.
Dr. Nathanson, with the development of the sonogram in 1970, changed his tune about abortion. He had a conversion and created a movie that was anti-abort called "Silent Scream" detailing its heartless evils. He spent the rest of his life working as a Pro-Life advocate before he died in 2011.
There are two truths about abortion that need to be remembered today: abortion is not necessary to save the life of a pregnant woman. Pro-Abort folks, if they were honest, would say it's to save their convenient lifestyle. And finally, there has never been a documented case of any women using a coat hanger to perform an abortion-----ever!

The USA Flubs On The Internet

Did you hear the news? The United States has opened the books of privacy on every invention created since 1960 and is giving them to the world. Nothing is proprietary. It is only right and just that we redistribute our technological and industrial knowledge so that mankind can prosper. Oh, did I mention that there will be a world tax associated with this process. Don't laugh. The US is giving up it's rights to the dominance of the computer. It doesn't belong to us, anymore. It'd be sort of like Henry Ford creating the assembly line system then calling up General Motors to tell them how it's done.

"The United States is planning to give up its last remaining authority over the technical management of the Internet.
The Commerce Department announced Friday that it will give the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), an international nonprofit group, control over the database of names and addresses that allows computers around the world to connect to each other.
Administration officials say U.S. authority over the Internet address system was always intended to be temporary and that ultimate power should rest with the "global Internet community."

Monday, March 17, 2014

60 Great Sports Photos Of Modern Day Presidents

2011 World Series Game 4 - Texas Rangers v St Louis Cardinals

Guess which pics show them to be sissy girls? It has come to my attention that Republicans are guys I'd want on my team. DemocRats are candidates for the lingerie squad.

C Everett Koop


Saturday, March 15, 2014

"Dammit To Hell"

I thought he said premiums would, on average, be $2,500 less for everyone. Didn't he tell us if we liked or coverage we could keep our coverage? Three days ago we were told that, yes, some of us will lose our doctors. I could have sworn these promises were made to insure passage of healthcare. When is a lie a lie? Or, is it a case of misspeaking? Yeah, that's gotta be it; misspeaking. When misspeak is uttered in D.C. it's an excuse to skate on a promise. This reminds me of a person who murders three people. Then, in court, apologizes and asks for leniency because they're now sorry. The ones most affected are the families who've suffered. The rest of the people could care less because the transgression hasn't impacted them-----yet. In case you haven't been paying attention the national debt is over $17 trillion. No problem, though, let's print more money and continue to screw our kids.

Friday, March 14, 2014

We Live In Troubling Times

Are you familiar with the name Saul Alinsky? If not you should know that he is the poster boy for all radical movements in this country. Alinsky was a Chicago boy(b. 1909-d. 1972). He went to the University of Chicago and the greatest influence on his life was the Great Depression. In essence, his philosophy was formed to look out for the 'forgotten man' i.e. a re-distribution of wealth. Alinsky's great achievement was his book, "Rules for Radicals" and he was most commonly referred to as the first community organizer. Ring a bell? There are eight basic rules in his book given to me by my eastern Ohio correspondent: 1) Healthcare "Control healthcare and you control the people 2) Poverty “Increase the Poverty level as high as possible." Poor people are easier to control and will not fight back if you are providing everything for them to live. 3) Debt “Increase the national debt to an unsustainable level." That way you are able to increase taxes, and this will produce more poverty. 4) Gun Control “Remove the ability to defend themselves from the Government." That way you are able to create a police state - total local control. 5) Welfare “Take control of every aspect of their lives" (Food, Livestock, Housing, and Income) 6) Education “Take control of what people read and listen to take control of what children learn in school.” 7) Religion “Remove faith in God from the Government and school.” 8) Class Warfare “Divide the people into the wealthy against the poor. Racially divide." This will cause more discontent and it will be easier to tax the wealthy with full support of the voting poor. Call me stupid but I see a Chicago trend. Yesterday, I read a disturbing article from The Canada Free Press written by Alan Caruba. He's an excellent thinker and writer. In conjunction with Alinsky's philosophy he presented the case that Progressives(communists) in this country have a solid foothold in the destruction of the moral fiber of America. I am firmly convinced that liberals don't understand that when the moral fiber of our nation is destroyed it is far worse than what any foreign nation can do to us. When Nikita Khrushchev stated, "We will bury you" he wasn't speaking about nuclear warfare. It was his contention that we would destroy ourselves due to the elimination of personality morality. Caruba gives five reasons as to how Prog's are doing what Khrushchev said would be accomplished: " Consider just five ways progressivism has impacted America; (1) abortion that has killed more than 55.7 million fetuses(babies) since 1973, (2) banning prayer to support the development of moral values in schools, (3) the spread of same-sex marriage as a legal definition of marriage, (4) the movement to legalize marijuana, a known gateway drug, and (5) a culture filled with films and television that exploit violence and sex. If you look at these five statements they offer a lot more than what is presented. Each one, in itself, provides grounds for extensive discussion that would boggle the minds of the ancient Greek philosophers. If you think I'm wrong then write and let me know. We live in troublesome times my friends.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Stupid Statement Update

In a morning blog piece I cited three absolutely out of this world stupid statements from our (D-umb) politicians. I jumped the gun. Sheila Jackson Lee(Texas) may have surpassed the others. The year before last Ms. Jackson commented on a flag our astronauts had planted on Mars. Regardless, Hank Johnson is still in first place with his Guam "tipping over with too many US soldiers" statement but only by a hair. Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D., Texas) declared the U.S. Constitution to be 400 years old Wednesday on the House floor, which would mean it was signed in 1614. From Ms. Lee: “Maybe I should offer a good thanks to the distinguished members of the majority, the Republicans, my chairman and others, for giving us an opportunity to have a deliberative constitutional discussion that reinforces the sanctity of this nation and how well it is that we have lasted some 400 years, operating under a constitution that clearly defines what is constitutional and what is not,” she said. That would be seven years after Jamestown, Virginia became America’s first permanent English settlement. Lee is off by only 173 years. It was adopted on Sep. 17, 1787

HealthCare: Why Didn't I think Of This

Presidente' El Bamo was on Spanish speaking television March 6 and responded to a question from a citizen on how to pay for the health care law. This guy is brilliant except the people he needs to implement the law, youngsters, are the ones who will be his hapless guinea pigs. Presented here is his response to the question: The President responded that “if you looked at their cable bill, their telephone, their cell phone bill… it may turn out that, it’s just they haven’t prioritized health care.” He added that if a family member gets sick, the father “will wish he had paid that $300 a month.” Yeah, right, people are going to give up those things that provide the only reason for their existence.

One Reason I Love DemocRats

Cory Booker is a United States Senator from New Jersey. There was a special election a few months ago to replace the deceased senator, Frank Lautenberg. Booker hasn't done much for the state in the way of improvements. Newark is in the top ten for most dangerous cities. No surprise there. The other nine cities are also run by Dems. Did you know, for DemocRats, one of the most pressing issues facing this country is global warming? Is it in the top twenty issues on your list of importance? I didn't think so. Dem senators, thinking the American people actually care about the faux issue of global warming, held an all night pajama party to emphasize how (not)important it is to 300 million Americans. Senator Booker took to a podium to speak. It was, more or less, a filibuster speech. Read what the Rhoades type scholar said to the American people. I don't blame him for his stupidity. God made him that way. The folks I do hold responsible are the ones who elected him. "During the all-night Senate speech about climate change, Sen. Cory Booker, D-N.J., said he drove to Hawaii as a teenager. "I just do want to say that right after I turned 17 and got my New Jersey driver´s license, one of the earliest places I drove was a trip — the only trip I have ever taken was to Hawaii," he said on the floor at about 3:00 a.m. "You didn´t drive to Hawaii," Sen. Martin Heinrich, D-N.M., said, correcting the freshman senator. Booker laughed weakly. "I did not drive to Hawaii," he admitted. "Thank you for that clarification . I keep a file on the most inane comments coming from our esteemed elected officials. In recent years I've catalogue three that should go into the 'Stupid Hall of Fame. First, we will always remember the "You have to pass the bill before you know what's in it" from Ms. Pelosi. Secondly, I've got to put Booker's comment up there with the best of them. Thirdly, and I think this has to be the absolute most ignorant comment ever made: Rep. Hank Johnson from Georgia, while questioning an army general, "Sir, aren't you afraid if we keep sending troops to Guam it might tip over"? These people are all DemocRats. What else did you expect? From the Washington Examiner

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Funny Quote Of The Day

My golfing buddy and I were having a conversation about our parent's who are now gone from this earth. His comment was, "Well, we're next up on the tee". Learning to laugh at life is a special quality.

Monday, March 10, 2014

I Know More Than You Do About Anything

Readers: I don't want you to feel badly about yourselves. It's that I know so much more than you on any subject that you that should purchase a primer on the basics of how to attain my vast amount of knowledge. Understand I'm not IQ intelligent. What I am is Cliff Claven smart. I happen to know trivia and scads of it. I know tidbits of facts that would astound the most brilliant minds. I'll give you a couple of examples of how inferior you are in the arena of facts. 1) Eating too much sweet corn causes polio. I bet you didn't know this. Some of you probably want to ask my source for this info. It doesn't matter. Just trust me. 2)You can get syphilis by walking on dandelions. People should know this. 3) By extracting sperm from a sperm whale it can then be injected into the uterus of any female mammal, the Etruscan shrew to humans, and the species will gestate. The garbage I just spewed is what liberals get on a daily basis from their chief spokespersons. Did any of you believe my knowledge quotes? If you did then you're a flaming brain-dead liberal. You'll believe anything. If you don't think so then why do people like Ed Schultz, Rachel Maddow and Chris Matthews have jobs? There's a news item out today that Alexandra Pelosi, daughter of Nancy Pelosi, sent out a tweet telling the lemmings that fracking causes earthquakes. She was being quite, how to write this, untruthful in her tweet. We have to take Ms. Pelosi seriously, though. She does live in California, in close proximity to the San Andreas Fault, the one that's 800 miles long and has been located off the coast of California since dinosaurs roamed the earth; more specifically, thirty million years ago. I was going to pooh-pooh her qualifications for making such a pronouncement but after looking at her credentials I decided I should give her the benefit of the doubt. In a nutshell, here they are: She's a lawyer. Her husband is a Hollywood director. She's very rich thanks to her mommy and daddy. She writes for the uber Left Huffington Post plus, and this is the big one that swayed me, she's a political strategist for the DemocRat Party. She's earned my vote. However, the Pelosi fracking statement might come as a surprise to the 3,000 dead citizens of the San Francisco earthquake of 1906 not to mention the destruction and deaths incurred in the quake of 1994. Here's another fact; the first recorded earthquake in California was in the year 1680 AD. If you don't believe me you can look it up. Being a liberal could be fun. You get to be more stupid than a centipede when you get out of bed every day(If you do get out of bed) and don't even realize it.

A Feel Good Story About A Baby


Last Friday I went on a rant about the social ills of this country and basically said we had lost our soul. I received a note from my southern correspondent in Texas telling me how much he appreciated my rant. Over the week-end I began dwelling on the blog and realized how negative I'd become. It was Obama this and Obama that and how this country was going down the toilet. I hate when I get like this because I enjoy reading and talking about positive aspects of life in this country. I am the quintessential Horatio Alger story and only wish the same for others.
Then, I came across an article that brightened up my day. It told the story of a twenty-seven year old girl, Katheryn Deprill of Allentown, Pa. This young lady is on a quest to find her mother. You see, on the day of her birth her natural mother abandoned her in the women's bathroom of an Allentown Burger King. The then child was adopted into a wonderful family of brothers and sisters and has lived a very satisfying and wonderful life with her adoptive parents.
With the blessing of her mom she is looking for her natural mother to thank her for allowing her to be born. She wants her to know that she loves her for the many blessings she has been allowed to have.
God bless you, Katheryn, and God bless your natural mother for allowing you to be the type of person we all want to be.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Welfare: No Explanation Necessary

When welfare payments exceed what can be made working full time at the minimum wage -as is now the case in 35 states- one can see how we might have a problem or two, i.e. exponentially-soaring entitlement spending coupled to an increasingly lazy, demoralized, handout-addicted workforce:
1. Hawaii: $60,590
2. District of Columbia: $50,820
3. Massachusetts: $50,540
4. Connecticut: $44,370
5. New York: $43,700
6. New Jersey: $43,450
7. Rhode Island: $43,330
8. Vermont: $42,350
9. New Hampshire: $39,750
10. Maryland: $38,160
11. California: $37,160
12. Oregon: $34,300
13. Wyoming: $32,620
14. Nevada: $29,820
15. Minnesota: $29,350
16. Delaware: $29,220
17. Washington: $28,840
18. North Dakota: $28,830
19. Pennsylvania: $28,670
20. New Mexico: $27,900

When welfare payments exceed what can be made working full time at the minimum wage -as is now the case in 35 states- one can see how we might have a problem or two, i.e. exponentially-soaring entitlement spending coupled to an increasingly lazy, demoralized, handout-addicted workforce: