Tuesday, March 25, 2014

This Is The Face Of Al-Qaeda

iraq crucify

Thank God for the blog site, Gateway Pundit. They are one of the few detailing atrocities by Al-Qaeda against anyone who opposes then. This poor man pictured was, thankfully, shot in the head prior to his crucifixion. The act took place in northern Iraq. There have been hundreds of murders against Syrian citizens in the last year and before. And, have you yet heard an announcement from our administration denouncing the terrorist acts against humanity, primarily Christians? Mass decapitations are another commonly used method for those who oppose the religion of Allah, the relgion of peace. I repeat, when have you heard Obama say a phrase, sentence or word against these crimes against mankind? What is the reason for this, my friends.? In the event it would accomplish something of consequence my suggestion is to write or call your congressman. It's a first step. But, at least your conscience would be assuaged. Prayers folks, prayers for a world gone haywire.
The next time you hear a report coming from Al-Jazeera or listen to the Council on American Islamic Relations(CAIR) http://www.cair.com/ tell us how unfair we are to Muslims in this country and around the world picture this crucified man in your mind. The face of Sharia Law is a crime against

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