Wednesday, March 12, 2014

One Reason I Love DemocRats

Cory Booker is a United States Senator from New Jersey. There was a special election a few months ago to replace the deceased senator, Frank Lautenberg. Booker hasn't done much for the state in the way of improvements. Newark is in the top ten for most dangerous cities. No surprise there. The other nine cities are also run by Dems. Did you know, for DemocRats, one of the most pressing issues facing this country is global warming? Is it in the top twenty issues on your list of importance? I didn't think so. Dem senators, thinking the American people actually care about the faux issue of global warming, held an all night pajama party to emphasize how (not)important it is to 300 million Americans. Senator Booker took to a podium to speak. It was, more or less, a filibuster speech. Read what the Rhoades type scholar said to the American people. I don't blame him for his stupidity. God made him that way. The folks I do hold responsible are the ones who elected him. "During the all-night Senate speech about climate change, Sen. Cory Booker, D-N.J., said he drove to Hawaii as a teenager. "I just do want to say that right after I turned 17 and got my New Jersey driver´s license, one of the earliest places I drove was a trip — the only trip I have ever taken was to Hawaii," he said on the floor at about 3:00 a.m. "You didn´t drive to Hawaii," Sen. Martin Heinrich, D-N.M., said, correcting the freshman senator. Booker laughed weakly. "I did not drive to Hawaii," he admitted. "Thank you for that clarification . I keep a file on the most inane comments coming from our esteemed elected officials. In recent years I've catalogue three that should go into the 'Stupid Hall of Fame. First, we will always remember the "You have to pass the bill before you know what's in it" from Ms. Pelosi. Secondly, I've got to put Booker's comment up there with the best of them. Thirdly, and I think this has to be the absolute most ignorant comment ever made: Rep. Hank Johnson from Georgia, while questioning an army general, "Sir, aren't you afraid if we keep sending troops to Guam it might tip over"? These people are all DemocRats. What else did you expect? From the Washington Examiner

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