Sunday, March 9, 2014

Convicted Al-Qaeda Spy Works For The IRS/This Is Not A Joke

Weiss Rasool a convicted Al-Qaeda felon prosecuted by the Justice Department — and convicted in federal court — was hired by the IRS and still works there.
PJ Media reported:
While IRS officials were targeting Tea Party groups for special scrutiny of their 501(c)3 tax exempt applications, the IRS also hired a policeman who had been prosecuted by the Justice Department — and convicted in federal court — of using his access to the FBI’s NCIC system to tip off a terror suspect about the bureau’s surveillance. The leak wrecked a major terror investigation.
He is still at the IRS.
Weiss Russell (he has changed his name from “Weiss Rasool,” the name under which he was convicted), is currently employed as a financial management analyst in the IRS Deputy Chief Financial Officer’s Office.

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