Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Keep This Broad Away From Me

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“Meet a 22-year-old, southern criminology student with a three-year-old child. She calls herself the Femitheist and has a blog, YouTube channel, and is writing a book all about the ‘importance’ of reducing the male population to roughly 1-10% in order to achieve world peace and ‘true equality.’ Somehow, she expects this to end war, rape, and violence in general. Though this seems like trying to end violence by committing violence – because it is – she asserts that it is ‘the only logical solution.’ Terrifyingly, she has spawned a gaggle of followers that believe in selective breeding, male-only abortions, and an International Castration Day
. She asserts that men of all ages would need to attend a castration ceremony, and murdered if they refuse. Don’t worry, though, the men’s spouses and mothers have the option to ‘milk the male’ before castration if they want a sperm sample.  Click on the link to see and listen to her speak.

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