Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Twenty-Five Times Obama Said No

Since The Emperor has taken office he has gone before the cameras and stated in various forms; "I execute the laws. I do not make the laws. We are a democracy sic(Republic) and I must follow the Constitution" He has stated these statements exactly twenty-five different times over the past six years.

Liberals will cite Ronald Reagan as a president who signed immigration reform. Reagan also went before Congress to gain approval. And what did the Democrats, as a part of their compromise, not do? Their promise was to build a secure southern border. Liars, as usual.

The radical left demands the immigrants be granted their God-given rights.(Funny how God is used to meet their agenda). What they forget is members of congress represent their constituents. They are supposed to be conduits for the desires of the people back home. Nearly 60% of people do not want the immigration reform of the Emperor-in-Chief.

More food for thought-characteristics of a sociopath from google:
-An oversized ego.
-Lying and showing manipulative behavior.
-Incapable of showing empathy.
-Lack of shame or remorse.
-Staying eerily calm in dangerous situations.
-Behaving irresponsibly or with extreme impulsivity.
-Having few close friends.
-Being charming —but only superficially.
-Living by the pleasure principle.
-Showing disregard for societal norms.
-Having intense eyes.

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