Monday, November 3, 2014

Voters Who Cause Me To Scratch My Head

Every so often I'll stop into a fast food restaurant. I never use the drive thru. It's a waste of gasoline. It's a proven scientific fact that ten drive thru people are seriously obese and waste more fuel waiting than all drivers in LA on their go home from work.

Anyway, let's say I stop in at Wendy's for a quick pick up of two kid's cheeseburgers. We'll also say there is a Ma and Pa in front of me and twelve people ahead of them.

Wendy's has a huge menu board across the counter for diners to figure out what they want before they get to the ordering station. I'm one of those guys who knows what he wants before I walk through the door. Others not so.

After some time, more than I can stand unless a hot looking woman is next to me, Ma and Pa are up for ordering. The next conversation is classic and occurs all to often. Ma says, "Oh, I don't know. What do you think Pa"? Then she'll rattle off five or six different items she might want. It's so tedious I want to smack butt with a cattle prod and tell her to get on with it. Finally, thank God, she says to the kid at the counter, "Oh, give me a hamburger, fries and a diet Coke". All that for something my two year old grandson could handle and in a lot less time.

This scenario brings me to the Iowa senatorial race between  the Republican, Joni Ernst, and the Democrat, Bruce Braley. According to the latest polls Mrs. Ernst is up on Braley by 7 points. Here it is, one day before the election, and I was reading today's Des Moines Register about who was voting for whom. Get this. There are today, says the Register, 9 percent of the voting population who have not made up their minds. They are undecided.

This is mindboggling. They've been looking at the menu for over a year. These candidates have told every lie about their opponent possible and we all know how wonderful they are because they've told us 24/7. The 'Undecided' are folks I don't know or hang around with at all.
I believe they happen to be a myth. I've never met one and I'm certain you haven't, either. Everyone has an opinion. If you asked anybody on the street or down at the city dump how they felt about crayons you'd get an answer. If you asked the man on the street if they were voting for Joni, Bruce or Adolf Hitler you'd get an answer. So why the big problem with making a decision on Braley and Ernst?

Show me an 'Undecided' and I'll show you someone who doesn't know if they want fries, a cup of chili or a kick in the head.

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