Sunday, November 29, 2015

In Preparation For The Global Warming Conference

My last year of educational science study was in 9th grade under the tutelage of Mrs. Brown. I was a so-so student but did know how to read and comprehend.

My old boss, who is the most brilliant man I know, gave me some heady information on global warming. Since he could convince me I had the ability to turn iron into gold I paid attention to what he said.

The atmosphere is:
78.09% Nitrogen
20.95% Oxygen
00.93% Argon
00.039% CO2

95% of the CO2 is naturally occurring.

So there is zero science that provides a provable/testable model that CO2 is the primary cause of "climate change,” yet we are going to spend billions of dollars to affect the 0.00195% of the atmosphere that is human generated CO2?


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