Friday, October 28, 2016

Dr: James Dobson: Is Trump Good For America


When I first heard that Trump was entering the race last year, I told my wife that perhaps it was a good thing for the Republican Party and America. I knew that he was not a "saint".  I thought that he would be like a bull in a china shop. 

He is a disrupter and I believe America could use a fresh thinker especially in the political arena. I didn't think he would get the nomination, but that he would shake up establishment politics as usual. I was correct on the shaking up!   

Lance Wallnau likens him to a biblical Cyrus. Someone who is dynamically used by God even though not perceived by many as a God follower. God has used many people in history that I would probably not like or agree with. I'm not sure I would have liked all the disciples, or David, or Moses.Somehow, God did not seem compelled to consult with me on His choices!   

I have always admired Winston Churchill. He is seen as one of the greatest world leaders in the 20th century. Last year, I had the privilege of going through the War Museum in London. Winston is a key feature. 

His life was controversial. He was not always celebrated as a popular leader. He was a bombastic, cigar smoking, hard drinking, at times crude, even misogynistic, leader.
It is alleged that he told off color stories to his children before bedtime! 

A woman once told him he was disgustingly drunk. His response was "My dear, you are disgustingly ugly, but tomorrow I shall be sober and you will still be ugly!" Imagine if today’s press got hold of that!  

There are many websites that discuss the outlandish comments and activities of this great world leader.But, he had exactly what was needed to stop Hitler at the Channel, to rouse a nation, to give it courage, to never give up, and to partner with America to preserve freedom in Europe and the world.   

You probably wouldn't want him as your pastor, maybe not even your father, but he was the right leader for that moment in England's world history. 

Such a brazen man, that would go up to the roof of his quarters in central London and smoke cigars as Hitler's air force rained bombs all around him. Somehow the job found the right man when it was most needed.  

I think it would be awesome to have a perfect leader who understood the intricacies of the economy, health care, defense, immigration, had great sensitivity to religious institutions, a heart for the poor, and a vision for the future. If that leader was a praying person, formidable in the word of God and loved the local church, I would rejoice! 

I do not think that is the choice we will have in November....nor has it ever been.  

Instead...we will look for someone who is imperfect, yet will fit the times we are living in. In particular, whoever we vote for will be someone who likely will have 
the opportunity to appoint up to three Supreme Court justices. That could radically shape our culture in America for the next 30 years, and beyond. 

The America of our grandchildren could be very different....and with Clinton, that would not be good for certain.
We cannot stand on the sidelines. You must not stand on the sidelines. This time,
the importance of this vote, does not allow you to do that. 
A non-vote does not cancel out a vote for a direction that will harm America beyond measure. It just doesn’t. It’s simple math. A non-vote, or a third party vote, does not cancel out a vote for her policies. Only a vote for Trump does. Donald Trump good for America? I honestly believe that he has been already. He has shaken the establishment political system. And that is good. Hillary Clinton is establishment personified. Four or eight more years of Barack Obama, and forever more.

Do his comments offend me? At times. 

Do I agree with every single thing he says? No. But immeasurably more than the alternative. 

Could he be a Cyrus, raised up by God to preserve America? Nobody liked Gen. Patton, but he most certainly WAS an instrument of the United States for the right things, raised up at the right time.  

This I know.      

I will vote for the best chance for America. It is my sacred duty.

I will pray for our leaders as I have already. 

In the end - God will continue to be my source and my hope. I do believe that God 
has had a hand in America's history. 

I hope and pray that He will also have a saving hand in America’s future.  

I shudder when I think of the caliber of CLINTON'S SUPREME COURT APPOINTEES, of her policies, 
and what will be the world of those in America who come behind us. 

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