Monday, January 16, 2017

John Lewis Is A Liar

What a hack. Rep. John Lewis (D-GA) told NBC last weekend he will skip the Trump Inauguration. “I don’t plan to attend inauguration. It will be the first one I miss since I’ve been in Congress.” (Video) But that was a lie. John Lewis did not attend George W. Bush’s Inauguration in 2001 saying he was not a “true elected president.” 

Aside from being a liar Lewis is a hypocrite of the highest order. This supposed icon gained fame by walking with Dr. King across the bridge into Selma, Alabama fifty years ago. His pathetic legacy is based on this bastardization of history.

It was the Republicans and Kennedy Democrats who walk the march. When the freedom marchers reached Selma it was the democrats who beat bloody hell out of them, hosed them down and let loose the attack dogs on them.

Memories grow short for the older crowd when it comes to our history of segregation. For the younger folks they have no memory and only rely on what their egghead profs tell them via revisionist history. 

God Bless America

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