One of life's frustrating situations, and I've done this, is to be holding an ice cream cone and then watch it fall out onto the ground. I hate when this happens.
I'm sure by now you've read a statement issued by Ben & Jerry regarding the fact that our native Indian tribes should be given back their land. It turns out this wasn't a brilliant move. Yesterday, the chief of the Vermont Abenaki tribe in Vermont issued a statement: Since the two ice cream magnates have their buildings on tribal lands they should make an example by giving back said land to the tribe.
So, this got me to thinking. Why is it only Blacks receive consideration for reparations? I mean, Indians have suffered far worse than Blacks at the hands of us White guys. Shouldn't they be receiving gazillions of dollars of our tax money to achieve a better life?
The Indians of this country surely have received the shaft when it comes to treatment. Do me a favor after reading this piece. Research Indian reservations in your state then make a visit to that area. Then wait a day and tell me how good these people have it. And another thing; I suspect there are a lot few people shot on a Friday in the Abenaki Nation than are on the south side of Chicago.
Always remember the words of Henry Ford: "If you trust the American government then look at what they did for the American Indian" or words to that effect.
I may have found a cause; support our citizens who have been occupying our land for 10,000 and had it completely taken away unjustly.
Don Stevens Abenaki Nation Vermont
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