Friday, July 7, 2023

She's Doing Fine

Are you following the saga of CeeCee? Well, I am and it's a pleasure to write that she has made progress the past four days I thought not possible. Get this: Ten days ago my adult male neighbor approached her and I thought she was going to attack his throat and rip out whatever was inside. You see, he made the mistake of raising his hand to say, "Hello." Obviously this led me to believe my little trinket had been abused in her past life. Today, that same gentleman was in my yard and she calmly approached the man and let him pet her forehead. This was a huge moment for me and for my lil' gal. The second item warmed my heart. I'll sit or lie on the couch and tell CeeCee to 'Come up." She has never done this----ever. This morning I again asked her to join me and lo and behold she did and she snuggled up next to me. She was only there for a minute or two but this was the first time in two months she's done this and it was a beautiful thing.

We are committed to having a doggy expert person come to our home. There are issues yet to be resolved. Learning to not be fearful of other dogs is at the top of the list but it's going to happen. I'm learning to appreciate this new friend. She is a car freak. When I say, "Let's go for a ride" she makes a mad sprint to the front door. I don't know what it is with dogs and cars but there is definitely a correlation.

Stay tuned for more good news. Every day in every way she gets better and better.

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