Monday, December 14, 2009

A Blip On The Screen

There's a trailer running across the bottom of my television on the ESPN stations. A statement from the CEO of Nike has made a statement about their main man, Tiger. It, the statement, is a defense of Mr. Woods and says, "when his career is finished this problem will be only a minor blip against him." Coming from Nike I can understand this. In my mind the same would come from Starbuck's CEO. Proctor and Gamble would fall in line as would Pepsi Cola and Coke Products. Wonder why? It's simple. They are are liberally conscious companies with an emphasis on diversity. It's the reason Accenture dropped Tiger. He didn't fit into the conservative, corporate image. So, as I write, it occurs to me that this country is as divided as we've been since the Civil War; right and left, liberal and conservative, democrat and republican, good and bad. This is one reason for me maintaining balance in life with an open mind. It took a long time to understand that the road to hell is paved with Liberals.

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