Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Republicans Need Obnoxious Loudmouths

One of my major complaints against Republicans is they don't have, except for Jim DeMint, a bulldog. They are lacking in obnoxious liars, Ala, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi or the ever stupid and ridiculous, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz. We need fighters and loud mouths but there are none on the horizon. Someone, anyone, needs to take one for the Party. The statement below is from a bulldogette. It seems to me that the only hardcore, get in your face Republicans are women. Ladies and Gentlemen: I give you Ann Coulter---------

"Liberal fundamentalists say: I don't see why anyone needs to hunt; I don't know why anyone needs to eat meat; I don't see why anyone needs to bathe every day; I don't know why anyone minds looking at urine in a low-flow toilet; I don't know why anyone needs an incandescent light bulb ...

Screw you, liberals. I don't know why anyone needs an abortion, free contraception, crap-ass "art" with photos of vaginas on the Virgin Mary, non-farming farmers or a $1 million pension for Anthony Weiner.

But I'm forced to subsidize all of that".

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