Saturday, February 25, 2012

What Makes People Do These Things

It might be that sadness is good for the soul. I hope so because this is such a horrid and unnecessary story I could barely read the transcript in its entirety. The little girl shown in the picture is named Savannah Hardin from Etowah County, Alabama. She's your average nine year old and is in the third grade. I should include the word 'was' to describe her. Savannah wanted to eat a candy bar so she asked her stepmom if it was okay. Mom said no. Then the child asked her paternal grandmother. She received the same answer. The dad works for the federal government and was out of the country.
The sweet little pixie snuck a bar and when the adults found out they made her run as punishment. They made her run for a solid three hours, non-stop, until she died of dehydration and a lack of electrolytes. I want you to dwell on this. These 'adults' made a child run for three hours. Certainly, this is not a feel good story but I was so distraught and filled with such heart break when I read it I was compelled to forward it along to make others think. What makes people do such horrible things to other human beings?

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