Thursday, March 15, 2012

Exclusive: U.S., Britain to agree emergency oil stocks release

You can read about the exclusive Reuters report if you wish. The U.S. has done this before. Was it under Clinton's regime? It makes no difference because it's much ado about nothing. By releasing oil from our strategic reserve Obama is only using a campaign tactic; to make people think he cares. The price may drop by a nickel--maybe. Strategic oil is too be released in the event of an emergency. War would be an emergency. A giant tsunami devastating Iowa and Illinois would be an emergency.
In essence, what Obama is saying we need to drill for oil. There's plenty of fuel in the ground and there's plenty on top. If there wasn't oil for fuel why do we export so much? One of my complaints with the Bush administration was they should have struck up a deal to give us oil in exchange for the lives sacrificed for their benefit. It's all garbage.

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