Monday, June 4, 2012

Pt. V: 1001 Reasons To Vote Against Obama

  1. Since President Obama came to office the long-term unemployment rate has tripled from 9.5% to 29.5%.
  2. Half of new college graduates will not be able to find meaningful long-term work under the president at the current rate.
  3. Although the unemployment rate has dropped to 8.1%, that is because so many able-bodied adults have given up looking for work. The labor force participation rate dropped to the lowest since 1981.
  4. The U3 unemployment rate, which accounts for population growth, is actually at 11.3%.
  5. When thirty-year old Georgetown law student Sandra Fluke claimed that students on her Catholic college campus were unable to afford birth control, President Obama found it important to call her as an act of support. It turns out she was a Democrat activist.
  6. The Obama campaign launched a fabricated “War on Women,” which alleged that Republicans are anti-women. After DNC operative Hilary Rosen went on CNN and said stay-at-home mom Ann Romney “never worked a day in her life,” Mitt Romney reversed his sizable deficit among women to a statistically significant lead.
  7. After the mainstream media attacked Mitt Romney for taking his dog Seamus on vacation in a carrier strapped to the roof of his car, it turned out that Barack Obama once confessed to actually eating a dog. The distraction campaign was effectively neutralized.
  8. At a meeting in South Korea, Barack Obama tells then Russian President Dmitri Medvedev that he would have more “flexibility” after his last election to negotiate more favorably on the Russians’ behalf on such matters as ABM defense in Europe.
  9. President Obama called to congratulate incoming authoritarian Russian president Vladimir Putin, while Russia was the scene 0f many civil uprisings with hundreds of thousands protesting the presence of widespread and serious election fraud.
  10. In May 2012, U.S. and Russian troops run joint exercises together. In Colorado.
  12. Open the link to see 90 more reasons.

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