Monday, September 3, 2012

The Most Page Views In The History Of MJH

When I began writing this blog I had virtually no idea the impact this one post would have on those who follow me. Every day, for the last three weeks,  it is averaging over 70 views a day. I thought it might  be a good time to re-print, especially for those who didn't have an earlier opportunity. FYI: The previous most popular was of the most beautiful women in the world. Go figure.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

You Are Being Hoodwinked By The MSM

Saturday night was dudsville for television unless you were into the Olympics. Around 9 PM, with remote in hand, I pressed the guide button to check out my choices. I must have skimmed the channels fifteen times and then I saw the name, 'Stossel' on the Fox Business channel. I've always liked John Stossel dating back to his days with 20/20. He was constantly exposing a company or government agency for graft and corruption. On the FBC he has an in-studio audience which adds to the spontaneity of the telecast. Last nights show centered around the impact the mainstream media has in determining the issue of gas and oil and how pipelines, if constructed, would destroy the landscape of America. As a guest he had on Sarah Palin of 'drill baby drill' fame. You may have heard this spiel before but, if not, she was talking about drilling in the Artic National Wildlife Refuge. Did you know that the State of Alaska is two and a half times the size of Texas? Did you know that the ANWR region for drilling is 2,000 acres, about the size of LAX. In actuality, the caribou herds have flourished because of the drilling that took place. It warmed the area so that vegetation had a chance to grow in the tundra. The lack of drilling in ANWR is causing the loss of thousands of jobs, in most cases, Barack, union jobs. According to Palin there has only been one pipeline accident in the history of the ANWR pipeline and that was when a hunter got irresponsible with his rifle.
On to bigger things, if you'll permit me. The Keystone Pipeline has been put on hold by the Obama administration coming out of Canada to the USA. The Canadians had no choice but to be selling to the ChiComs. Why, say the Obamanuts, the pipeline would destroy the environmental system of this country. And then the MSM pushes this mantra to the extent that it makes lemmings of our people and gives the eco-nuts a platform to espouse their uncompromising views. We haven't built a refinery in this country for around forty years and people wonder why we pay large amounts of hard earned cash on the best fuel in the world at the pump. And this doesn't take into account what lies under our ground which is the largest reserve in the world.
What I'd like you to do is study very carefully this map I've re-printed. It shows the number of pipelines for oil and natural gas already in place in the US. Then click on the attachment to see more detailed maps, ten of them, that show exactly where these pipelines begin and end. So, I ask you, if all these pipelines are in place right now have you noticed a lack of chickadees in your yard? Have all the swallows gone to Capistrano? I saw a hummingbird yesterday at my golf course and I didn't look twice because I see them all the time.
Folks, we're being hoodwinked by the media. If you didn't know better one would think they have an agenda.;_ylt=A2KJke3MCCdQKhMAMH.JzbkF;_ylu=X3oDMTBlMTQ4cGxyBHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDaW1n?
Check out every single map. It's amazing how we're being duped.

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