Thursday, February 6, 2014

Sochi Olympics----Really?

Did you know the Olympics started today? I knew they were going to happen soon but I didn't realize today was the day. I did see numerous reports about bombs being planted in toothpaste tubes. Olympics aside, I read a story about an email that surfaced yesterday letting us know that the IRS did indeed target TEA Party groups to keep them from voting in the last election. Oh, jobless claims came out this morning for January. It seems like there were 331,000 for the month. We're still trying to catch up with the 5% unemployment figures from 2007. So much for the 'Summer of Recovery'.
Maybe I watch too much news. A friend asked me a couple of weeks ago why I watch so many different segments of Fox News: Cavuto, then The Five followed by Bret Baier. He said it's a repeat of what takes place all day. I think he's right but I'm a creature of habit and so it goes. Besides, I'm a normal 68 year old male. Try and tell me you wouldn't pay attention to a channel that had Elizabeth Hasselback, Martha MacCallum and Shannon Bream. And you'll notice I didn't even mention Megyn Kelly. She's more than a pretty face. If you don't believe me ask Rachel Maddow.
I've gotten out of the habit of viewing O'Reilly and Hannity. I haven't watched O'Reilly for a couple of years. He's so full of himself that it's nauseating. In his interview of Obama prior to the Super Bowl he stated that it(the interview) would be an Alpha male going up against an Alpha male--barf on me, please, and I'll take it without complaint.
Hannity re-chews his cabbage constantly. It's the same old same old: dirty air, shove grandma over the cliff. "C'mon Sean, come up with something new". As I write Pres. Obama is speaking at a prayer breakfast. He's quoting scripture from the Bible. "Gimme me a break". I know I think the way most people think. I've become a skeptic of anything government especially Washington D.C. government. Why? Because I'm convinced, now more than ever, that our congressmen are interested in two things: power and money. The Tweed Ring of the late 1880's were amateurs compared to what we have now.
Back to the Olympics. Is it like the Super Bowl for you that it was for me? Remember when I wrote I couldn't name one player on the Seattle team? I can't name one player in the U.S. contingent. I'm not in the minority, either. Don't we usually have a darling on ice who is vying for the title of world's best figure skater? I hope whoever she is she garners a 10.0. It's impossible for me to get excited about the Olympics. Think back to how upset we used to get at the East German team when they had women who were built like Arnold Schwarzenegger and saliva tests proved them to be brothers. I yearn for the old days when we went up against, not the Russians, but the Soviets. I want to see the hammer and sickle on the field of athletic battle. I want to hear USA! USA!
But, before I do that I have to go upstairs and check my tube of toothpaste. I want to make certain no one put a bomb in one of my shoes while I flew back from Florida a couple of weeks ago. I need to find out if George Soros runs this country or if we've turned it over to the Bilderburg Society. Is it me or does it seem like it's impossible to have a carefree, fun day, anymore.

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