Thursday, May 5, 2016

Is It Burger King That Says Have It Your Way?

It almost slipped my mind. Call it a long term senior moment. Last Easter we visited my daughter and her family in Scottsdale. Except for the three hour time difference and the expense involved in staying there it's a good place to be.

One Tuesday my six year old grandson and I wanted to escape for lunch. His favorite venue is Burger King. Don't ask me why it just is.

BK has recently come out with a menu featuring a hot dog on a bun, chili on top and two squiggly lines of cheese on top of that. The lad chose this along with fries and a soft drink.

Dear old Grandpa wasn't feeling hungry for all the glop so I asked the waitress if she'd eliminate the dog, bun and cheese then provide a bowl of chili.

Are you ready for this? She said, "We don't have chili". I countered with, "Of course you do. It comes on the hot dog. What I'd like is a cup of chili but eliminate the rest of the stuff".

She came back with, "We're not allowed to do that. It's against the rules"

If anyone there can explain this line of reasoning please dial 1-800- EatMe and give Burger King a clue about having it my way.

Ladies and gentlemen, this is the world in which we live.

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