Saturday, May 7, 2016

"Stupid Is As Stupid Does"

My apology for quoting from the movie Forrest Gump in this post but it's the first thought entering my mind.

There was a news story today, a replay from the Limbaugh Show of last week. Rush stated that thirty state attorney generals, all Democrats, were combining to initiate legal action regarding those private citizens who speak out publically against the bogus global warming argument.

What they desire is to incarcerate(put in jail for liberals) private citizens for speaking against GW.
Can you believe, can anyone believe, that this is what our nation has come to? Nearly eight years ago when Obama called for Hope and Change this is what we get----and if Hillary's elected there will be more to come.

Since Al Gore is the guru of global warming I thought it'd be nice to give a snippet of what he did in college; a very prestigious Harvard. It's a wonder he isn't laughed off the stage.

"Gore's undergraduate transcript from Harvard is riddled with C's, including a C-minus in introductory economics, a D in one science course, and a C-plus in another. "In his sophomore year at Harvard," the Post reported, "Gore's grades were lower than any semester recorded on Bush's transcript from Yale." Moreover, Gore's graduate school record - consistently glossed over by the press - is nothing short of shameful. In 1971, Gore enrolled in Vanderbilt Divinity School where, according to Bill Turque, author of "Inventing Al Gore," he received F's in five of the eight classes he took over the course of three semesters. Not surprisingly, Gore did not receive a degree from the divinity school. Nor did Gore graduate from Vanderbilt Law School, where he enrolled for a brief time and received his fair share of C's. (Bush went on to earn an MBA from Harvard)".

And this is the person Leonardo di Caprio idolizes. It's no wonder Hollywood is filled with vacuous morons and Mr. Gore's brain is a vacuum..

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