Friday, October 14, 2016

Appealing To The Low Information Voter

I'll add emphasis to why I won't be watching the final debate on October 19th. It's not that I'm turned off by these faux events.(I am). It is because there will be nothing of substance coming out of them except women and scandal.

Seriously, what has Hillary said about issues. Oh, there's the normal hyperbole, "I'm fighting for you" but what has she said about domestic and foreign affairs? She can't because any road she takes will be a reflection of Barack Obama's policies and this is a dead end street.

Think not? When has the media, debate moderators, Hillary, spoken about domestic and foreign affairs: the economy, Black unemployment and the lack of jobs, in general, ObamaCare, Isis, the Middle East quagmire, Russia, China, North Korea?

You see, this election is a beauty contest composed of very ugly individuals. There is no substance, no core beliefs. It reminds me of what Nancy Pelosi said about ObamaCare, "You have to pass it(the bill) to know what's in it". We have to elect one or the other to know what we're getting.

Low information voters decide elections. Stop ten people on the street and ask who the vice-presidential candidates are? Here's the answer from 8 of them, "I dunno". Ask them to name one reason why they are voting and the answer will be, I hate so and so.

"Please, Dear God, make it be over".

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