Saturday, October 8, 2016

"Let He Who Is Without Sin Cast The First Stone"

Big revelation regarding Donald Trump from a 2005 interview. He's caught on mic talking sexual conquests, or supposed ones. He used the word 'pussy' among other words. It's one more bullet in the chamber for Democrats, disgusted women and all those who find Donald Trump a vile and loathsome character.

"Aha! We've got him now", the Party of the donkey is saying. If I were asked I wouldn't be so quick to pull the trigger depending on how Trumps advisers play it.

Why, even Hillary is appalled at his language and that's the rub. Hearken back to Bill Clinton's problems with Monica. The economy was flourishing, that's due to stocks. What I heard from the general populace was this: "What a man does in his private time is his own business".

If Hillary wants to start in on a conversation that took place mano y mano eleven years ago then she has the right to do so. The Trump people then have the right to bring up any and all of Hillary's transgressions and I quote from a variety of sources:

If Hillary wants to pursue the Donald sexual perversion talk my suggestion is for the Republicans to bring in Juanita Broadderick to tell her rape story.(along with the 2,000 others of his talked about conquests). And, as Bill is quoted as saying to Gennifer Flowers about Hillary: "She gets more pussy than I do" so take that for what it's worth.

Let's face it. Men are men and when men get together they talk, many times about women. Lord knows how embarrassed I might be if someone hot mic'd me in the course of conversation. Yesterday, I golfed with two long time friends. Off the cuff I can recall three conversations(comments) made whereby Her Majesty would have taken an iron skillet to my head had she heard. But, then again, I'm not running for the presidency. I recall one time, many years ago, I was in a store with The Queen and my then young children. A store clerk remarked on what a fine looking family I had. I responded with, "My kids ARE good looking". And then quoting a Rodney Dangerfield line I followed up with, "Thank God my wife cheated on me". I suppose now days that would have made the press of the NY Times as being insensitive and crude.

There are more Wikileaks to come. Let the games continue. In my mind yesterday's bonanza for the feminists and MSM will pale by weeks end.

"Let he who is without sin cast the first stone".

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