Monday, November 21, 2016

It Wasn't Only Hillary Who Lost The Election

The Democrat Party is on life support. The MSM is still continuing propping up a funeral pyre. What a wasted of time. Consider the following from Andrew Malcolm:

'In 2016, Obama told Democrat audiences he would take it personally if they didn't turn out for his anointed successor. They didn't.
Republicans still control the House, and while defending a whopping 24 Senate seats, lost only two to maintain thin control. In 2018, the next midterms, Democrats must defend 23 Senate seats.
Clinton won the party's nomination this year because it was her turn, not because she was the most dynamic or strongest candidate. Republicans had 17 presidential wannabes, probably two-thirds of them qualified. There is no such Democratic political bench to draw from.
Democrats basically have no minor leagues to develop experienced, savvy top-tier candidates at state levels. Starting with the anti-Obama tide of 2010, Republicans have built a stranglehold on state legislatures and governor's offices.
They now control 33 governorships to Democrats' 15. The GOP will control 69 of the country's 99 state legislative chambers, including every one across the South. They will control both legislative chambers and the governorships-the so-called trifecta-in 25 states. Democrats will have trifectas in only six states'.
And this only on the national level. Former Speaker Tip O'Neill once said, "all politics is local". Cities and towns across the country also rejected the policies of the prog's. They, and the people who supported them, didn't want to hear about transgendered bathrooms or gay marriage. They wanted to prop up their paychecks and, understand this, the American populace demanded a conservative Supreme Court---and they're going to achieve their goal.

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