Monday, November 28, 2016

"Run, Hide Or Fight"

By now the world is aware there was an attack on a number of Ohio State University students this morning. In this day of near instant social media the police were on the scene in exactly one minute.

I won't speculate on the motive of the attacker other than it appears he was an immigrant from Somalia and enrolled at OSU. He sort of had a bad day since the police shot him dead. In addition, two days ago, ISIS called for knife attacks in this country. The perp didn't exactly have a knife. The weapon has been described as a butchers knife.

What is surprising was the response to this morning's occurrence from the Ohio State administration. They immediately spread the word on facebook and told the students to 'run, hide or fight'. Can you believe a center of higher education telling students to fight for their lives in today's climate? I could understand if the university president said, "run, hide or give the perpetrator a daisy". Or, how about some love or underststanding?

Wonders never cease.

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