Thursday, January 12, 2017

California's Newest U.S. Senator Is A Bimbo

A freshman Senator from California, Kamala Harris, beclowned herself at Mike Pompeo’s CIA confirmation hearing by ensuring Pompeo was familiar with her version of the agency’s mission.

New Sen Kamala Harris asking Mike Pompeo about his position on gay marriage, climate change at the CIA director confirmation hearing.
Twitter from Eric Bolling.

Not only did she read the talking points flawlessly from her printed notes, she also cited the debunked “97 percent consensus” figure as if it were gospel truth and the oceans were lapping at the Shenandoah foothills.
Pompeo, to his credit, answered that he didn’t necessarily agree with the catastrophic prognostications of climate change doomsayers, and that he saw the CIA’s mission as “keeping America safe.
So, there you have it. According to a female, Black California Freshman Senator the purpose of the Central Intelligence Agency should be to insure gay rights and make sure the oceans don't rise. Laughable, isn't it?
From The Resurgent

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