Saturday, January 7, 2017

We Missed The Cadillac Ranch

Photo of Cadillac Ranch

Do you think 'cold' when the word Texas pops into your mind? It doesn't mine, either. But, here we are, the Queen and I, in beautiful Amarillo, Texas hibernating inside a Fairfield Inn looking at icicles adorning our Suburu. The temperatures might rise above 5 F by the team we hit the road but don't make book on it.

In perusing the internet this morning looking for sites to visit in the Panhandle community of over 100,000 I came across ten. The one that caught my eye was called 'The Cadillac Ranch' as shown in the picture above.

Evidently, it's a graveyard for Cadillacs with their nose ends pointed toward the heavens.

The long story short is we decided to pass. If you've seen one graveyard you've seen them all.

Next stop, Gallup New Mexico. My fervent wish upon arrival is I hope someone asks me to take a poll.

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